Thursday, February 3, 2011

"this cold has got to be killing animals out there"

so last summer, i found a bunch of old old old valentine cards at a yard sale. besides the fact that they are super cute, some of them are signed and have little written notes on the back! i especially like seeing the names, there is one that says "to: momma love: art". anyway they are all so sweet and simple and make me happy. i love february and valentines day. just wishing it was a bit warmer outside... i've been listening to this over and over today because i love her so much and this was the same performance that jess and i saw. still gives me chills. 



  1. those are so sweet!

    i love valentines day! (the little kid version.. not the obligatory flowers and waiting two hours for dinner at a restaurant as an adult kind.)

  2. soo cute :) thanks so much for the info about the watch! i LOVE the michael kors watches, but i just can't do $200 for a watch, so thanks for the tips!

  3. Love all of it! So cute!

    So, Tuesday night I COULD NOT SLEEP. Never happened to me before! I woke up at 12:30 and didn't sleep a wink until the next night. The point of this is I watched YouTube videos of Celine for four hours. I just love her! The more I learn about her the more I like her. Just thought you'd like to know!

    I love you! Can't wait to see you in 13 DAYS!!!!

  4. Valentine's Day is my second favorite holiday. I am in love with every single piece of decor there is out there. I love those old cards! So charming.

  5. those are DARLING!!!!! i love all of your vintage things!!! you are just the cutest girl ever!!! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Those would be so fun to read! To me, its so much more special to have Valentines Day be about telling someone you love them in a simple way like sweet little notes and things. Not saying I don't love flowers too though :)

  8. Brittany! Thank you for your comments! I just need to tell you that I love that you buy used valentine's day cards at garage sales because I never thought of that... it's a great idea for decorations! Also, I bought that watch from target you told me about and I LOOOOVE it. So smart you are. It doesn't scratch even a little bit.
