Wednesday, February 2, 2011

bright and early for the daily races

i spent time looking through my favorite shops on etsy tonight. 
click HERE if you want to check these out.

1 comment:

  1. Britney- You have such cute taste!

    Congrats on being pregnant! So excited for you and you will LOVE having a girl. They are so fun to dress, boys are a little more boring:)although simple-which I love.

    So have have a question and thought you would be the perfect person to ask because you were just there.
    - Josh and I are headed to Hawaii for a week at the end of the month. I need everything- Sunglasses, swim suit, sandals (ones that I can have all summer as well), cover ups and anything else you think I will need. HELP! I need recommendations and your advice on what I will need while im there.
    I can pay you!

    colletterose at gmail
