Sunday, January 30, 2011

i'm 22 weeks but this was me at 19 weeks and 6 days

so i feel like i've pretty much been showing since day one. i gained nearly 10 pounds right before pregnancy to make sure i was at a healthy weight. needless to say i outgrew all of my pants and skirts very fast once i was pregnant. i desperately needed maternity pants before i was out of my first trimester. i guess i could have tried the buy a bigger size thing but i think the stretchy part on maternity pants is AWESOME. i have hated any kind of pressure on my lower abdomen from the beginning. which is why i love pajamas. i have two pair of maternity pants. these black slacks up above are from target and then i have some skinnies that are from the heidi klum line at motherhood. something that i don't want to forget.... maternity pants with the stretchy pull over your belly thing are WAY better than the stretchy waist kind that have no pull up thing (just in my opinion). does that make sense? these are the ones i have from motherhood. the "under belly" kind. and they just really aren't my favorite. i think i'm gonna try some gap ones. anyone out there have anything you'd like to recommend as far as things that you've been happy with on your pregnant body? that was a really long question. everyone is pregnant right now so... i'm expecting some good advice.

oh i also have the bella band, it's okay. not something that i'm crazy in love with. 


  1. Cute picture. Sorry, I have no words of advice, but all these pregnant bloggers are making me want one!

  2. using a rubberband around the button on regular pants was awesome for me. i didn't have any maternity pants, I hated the tightness on my tummy.
    you are lucky that you are gaining weight early and regularly...i gained 50 lbs total- 20 in my last month! haha so you are doing great!

  3. you are darling! can i ask - where did you get your gold watch? i'm hoping to get one for my birthday in feb :)

  4. i just use the belly band from motherhood maternity and its been great so far & leggings have been my best friend! lovvvveeee them! & you just have the cutest little belly ever!!! i love it!!! i cannot wait to see this beautiful little girl!! :)

  5. you look so cute! and of course your pregnancy picture is all stylish. sheesh. i think you look adorable, though! i had some maternity jeans from motherhood--the ones where the stretchy thing went up over your whole belly--and i LOVED them. seriously didn't want to give them up after pregnancy. they were way comfy. i'm not sure what the bella band is? is it the stretchy thing you leave your pants unbottoned with and then they hold your pants up? if so, i had one of those that i wore with all my dress pants. i refused to buy maternity dress pants since i (hopefully) won't ever be working adn pregnant again, so i wore that sucker all 9 months. and it worked, even though it wasn't quite as comfy as actual maternity jeans. anyway. sorry for the rant. that's the thing about pregnancy, though. everyone has their opinion and 2 cents about it. which can be fun. or annoying. ha. anyway...enough from me. ps, love that blue wall! we have one almost the exact same color :)

  6. pause. i just looked again. maybe it is only half blue? as i was typing my comment i could only see your feet, but when i scrolled back up i realized the whole wall isn't blue. how did you do that??

  7. Brittany! You look so cute! My advice would be to use lots of belly rub...burt's bees makes a good one as well as palmers cocoa butter rub. If you are prone to stretch marks, like I am, then seriously use it four times a day! It feels great and stops the stretch marks....(it may not stop them all, but it would preserve the elasticity of your skin). Just be sure to get sooo much rest and I found the easiest way to get great panel jeans is to buy a pair of skinnies and then cut the front panel out worked for me! You look so cute, so keep doing what your doing! Congrats you guys!

  8. Darling picture! I love that chair. And I love pregnant bellies. Yours is so cute. :)

    My advice is share maternity clothing with a friend. One of my best friends from AZ let me borrow some of hes when I was pregnant with Oliver and then when I gave it back I included all the pieces that I had purchased. Now that I'm in the earlier part of pregnancy she is in the later part and we've just been switching clothes the entire time. Saves money!

  9. Brittany, Don't write off the under belly pants just yet you might like them closer the the end of your pregnancy. I love my gap under belly pants. I don't like the motherhood full belly, it seems like my pants are always falling down(especially toward the end) because of the type of fabric they use. I showed early with #1 too, it's not so bad unless you're trying to keep it a secret;) I hit a point in my pregnancies where I just stay the same size for a few months. Also, remember to do you kegals or else you wont be able to run, jump or anything thing of that nature with out peeing your pants after your pregnancy. Being a mom is so much fun and I know you'll love it! You look so cute! You're making me miss my pregnant belly.

  10. i wish i had some advice for you! all i can say is that you are absolutely adorable! i love your baby bump!

  11. Awww I've been waiting to see that little belly :) So adorable britt! Are you kind of carrying her lower? Can you tell yet? Or maybe I just carry higher, it seems like my babies are always up in my ribs. No space between my stomach and boobs.
    Anyway, I totally agree with you. The maternity pants with the stretchy band that goes all the way up are the best. In the beginning with Cohen I had some from old navy that had the thick elastic band and sat lower.... but once I actually had a belly I didn't like them the rest of the time. The ones I wore most were from Macy's, I'm not sure what brand they were, but they were really comfortable! Paige has some gap ones that she loves too.

    p.s. thanks for your sweet comment about my grandma :)
    ha, and ya I think I'm just over-paranoid about documenting small details because I never want to forget, and I always feel like I need to do better. but thanks!

  12. oh p.p.s. you are so sweet what you wrote about my parents on my blog! made me smile :) Love you tons!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. with my first pregnancy all i had were the under belly and they put a lot of pressure right were the baby was. i carried low. this pregnancy i can handle more of the low but i hate all my pants. i found some grey skinnies at f21. they have tons of jeans with the elastic waist. i guess that's in. i bought a medium because their small is like an xxs. they are my favorite and i wear them all the time. i also got some jeggings at wal-mart that i wear all the time too.

    ps did you know has little baby stuff. had no idea. i hate ae for me but they actually have a few cute things and it's cheap. they have the cutest sunglasses that i just bought for our girlie. check it out and share anything you find...PLEASE!!

  15. so cute britt! i love hearing about pregnancies... its amazing that the same thing can affect everyone so differently. (and yes, EVERYONE is pregnant right now!)
    i have a belly band that i got from target and i absolutely LOVED it. but then i gave in and bought some maternity jeans from gap and im in love with those too. they are so comfortable.
    anyways, you look great. hope everything is going well!
    ps. if you find cute stores/etsy's/shops with little girl things, would you mind sharing? im finding it really hard to find stuff (clothes & accessories). and i know you have a great eye for that kind of stuff!

  16. Brittany! You are such a cute pregnant woman! I love your shirt and shoes! I ca't wait to see more! And although I have no plans on getting pregnant any time soon but i am loving the clothing advice! :)

  17. I shopped solely at GapMaternity. Their pants were all very comfortable- though I prefer the demi pannel(like these ); I couldn't stand having my whole stomache covered by additional material.

    You look wonderful. Cute little bump.

  18. ok, yessss. I loooved my belly bands from Target. In fact, I still where them today because they hide my muffin top and sometimes I dont feel like putting on a tank top. I have two white ones and one black. looove them. They are also good for transitioning to bigger pants. I would put a rubber band around the button and button hole and then slide the belly band over it and they are tighter so they dont slide and show anything.

  19. i had these

    from motherhood. Not those exact jeans but mine had the belly band and I swore by it. My fave for sure. I wore them till Case was like 3 months. ha! ew. I know.
