Friday, January 28, 2011

funny girl

i loved our ultrasound appointment. the best thing for me was hearing that she is healthy. when the sonologist said "well, she is measuring perfect size", it made me so happy. especially because i just wasn't expecting that. it was so amazing to see her measure everything on the baby, it's just an indescribable feeling to see pictures of her feet or the size of her femur bone. so after we knew she was a girl, the sonologist was trying to get a 3D picture of her face. Unfortunately little missy wasn't ready to show us her beauty quite yet. her head was on my left side and so that is where the doc was pushing to get that view. this is all we were getting. and while her arm and ear are really cute... we wanted to see more! she just kept burying her face in the placenta.
so then the lady said, "i've got an idea", she then took the ultrasound thingy and went over to my right side (her feet) and jabbed really hard three times. she said, "that usually gets them moving!" so immediately she went over to the left side to see if we'd catch her face, and this time we basically got the back of her! we all laughed that she did the exact opposite thing and turned even more away into the placenta. grant's words were "well... she is definitely a girl!" ha ha and then "hopefully this isn't telling of the future...". it was funny. so instead we have this pic of her showing us how strong she is. and we love it!


  1. awww! i love these pics! i am still soooo excited for you guys. seriously, i am. and i miss you guys so much!

  2. i've never done those 3D ultrasounds. so crazy and cool to see!

    p.s. i fully support the purchase of tolix chairs.

  3. amazing! congratulations! so happy for you:) can't wait to hear what you'll name her.

  4. Oh my heck. How cute. How funny that she was burying her face. I've never seen an ultrasound of a baby doing that! So cute! So fun, right?

  5. that is so funny!! love the picture of her back. she's got some muscles, watch out!!

  6. Oh my word!! I love it!!! Those pictures are so cool!! Love You!

  7. I just watched ruby for a week and now have Kaden and Beckham for the weekend. I love grandkids!! We are so excited to meet little Missy and give her hugs and kisses. Grandpa is still in denial (won't let himself believe that a Barnes GIRL is possible - keeps saying sonograms can be wrong, but secretly he is hoping it is right). Love you both.

  8. Isn't it incredibly amazing?!

    i've had a baby and seeing this still gives me chills! and testifies that growing babies in a mother's womb are nothing short of a miracle from a loving heavenly father.

    ps. you are just darling. love that little round belly of yours.
