Sunday, February 6, 2011

23 weeks

my tummy is supposed to grow 1 cm every week from now on. basically the baby should double in size in the next month. she's starting to move more but nothing that keeps me from getting good sleep (so far). i feel like i can never take a full deep breath lately. my body has changed so much, my skin feels like it is already stretched to the max. oh and it itches soooooooooooooooooo much. i normally go crazy in the winter anyway and basically scratch my skin off. i've tried some intense moisturizers but nothing really seems to fully take it away. any recommendations?

i started making a blanket for her but i just can't seem to find the right fit with which fabrics to use. i have such a big collection of fabrics and it's fun to mix and match everything but then i find myself just wanting it to be so so so plain and only have one fabric. i wish i could embroider her name on the blanket but we are pry even further away from finding a name than we were a month ago. i never understood how people had to see their baby first before they named it. i always thought i would know and be so in love with a name. now i feel like i must see her before i know what to name her! we watched the show "one born every minute" last week and i LOVED it. here is the first episode. if any of you watched it or will watch it..... my favorite part is "OPEN!!!!!" hahaha. can't wait for the next episode.


  1. you are just so cute. do i say that in every comment? i swear i'm not a weirdo.

    i hear ya on the naming thing. so much harder than you imagine, right?

    i can see the gray in the wall now. i love it!

    the best thing for my itchy belly was the put lotion on right when i got out of the shower so that your skin has an easier time absorbing the lotion. but maybe you've done that??

    i'm glad you're still sleeping! i never lost sleep from daner. i know people hate to hear that kind of stuff. i'm not gloating or anything. i just never understood what it was like to not get sleep. i hope she keeps letting you!

  2. me too! thanks mindy. yes i always put it on right after the shower... i swear i have eczema or something! thanks for always being so sweet :)

  3. You are so darling Brittany! Seriously, every outfit you wear is like amazing! Please help me shop sometime :) haha
    Your little belly is so cute, I can't wait to see what the sweet little babe will look like :)

  4. precious photo!! Love the way you did the photo with the chair there!! Looks great!!

  5. ps, i just watched that show. i love it! ah! how hilarious were the difference couples? and kinda weird too? the last one? or was that just me...

  6. have you tried mama bee from berts bees?

    there's also this lotion from costco called AmLactin. It's a miracle worker for people with eczema and other serious skin issues. It's pretty strong stuff. Not sure if it's safe for a prego belly but you should look into it.

  7. britt you look so great, seriously. i hear you on the skin thing... my skin is usually really dry in the winter anyway, but now it has turned into red patches that BURN. honestly, i dont know a lotion that works miracles.... i just grab whatever kind of lotion i can get my hands on and lather every part of my body. i've moved from once a day, to twice, now that my skin is stretching more than EVER. my lotion is with me 24/7.
    the name thing is way harder than i thought it would be too. but i have always been one of those who wanted to see her before i pick a name. but yes... much harder than i thought.
    and thanks a ton for leaving that link, some of those shoes are TO DIE for. besides little newborn nightgowns, i have bought one thing from baby gap and thats it. i just am having a really hard time! (but i will definitely let you know if i find anything!)

  8. You are very cute! I want that dress.

    Itchy skin is so annoying. I get eczema really bad, especially here in Utah since it is so dry. I don't have any suggestions for your itchy tummy except that whenever I wanted to scratch my skin off I remembered hearing that scratching makes stretch marks. Not sure if that is true, but it helped me control myself!

    Names are hard. Oliver wasn't even really on our list. We had about five other names and then when we saw him he didn't look like any of those names!

  9. Well you are just too cute! I can't stop smiling at the pictures!! I love them!

    I am so happy that that was your favorite part too! I have been telling everyone about the couple. Sometimes I'll start chanting it as I walk around the house. It just makes me laugh so hard!

    I can't wait to see you my dear friend!! Loves of love!!

  10. You look great! I don't have experience in this area but my mom and sister both lathered their bellies with Nivea cream (the heavy stuff-cream not lotion) day and night. They didn't get any stretch marks and they said their skin never felt stretched and dry. They completely swear that cream is the reason why.

    Good luck with the name! I think that will be hard for me even though I definitely have favorites in mind :).

  11. Ahhhh, you are the cutest!! And this dress is the cutest! And those boots! I am just overwhelmed with your cuteness.

  12. ok seriously ADORABLE!!! i love it!! yay for prego!

  13. You are seriously the cutest mom to be. Congratulations on having a girl! That is so exciting.

  14. One word: aquafor. it's a jelly type substance but doctors use it to heal scars and ani and i use it religiously on our hands and lips.

  15. I know we only met once through Jessica M. when you were here in Orlando, but congrats! and I love your decorating tips and pics on your blog!
