Wednesday, December 7, 2011

my little blue eyed red head

well it turns out that i'm not very successful at the whole same spot every month picture. good thing i was only doing it for me i guess. i have pictures of her on the 2nd of each month so at least i'm good there. i didn't do any official post for her month 4 or 5 so i'm counting this as month 4. let's see... so she turned 4 months on october 2 which happened to be in the middle of all of our visitors. she was so cute with everyone and a great sport for us on halloween. she stayed up past her bedtime that night, just so that we could show her off to all the little trick-or-treaters. these pictures were taken october 17, one morning while watching regis and kelly... (bye bye regis! we'll miss you). lots of people ask if her hair is red, well as you can see, it definitely has a redish tint to it. it's funny cause more than a few people have said "just like her momma" and i always say "actually mine's fake". infact my real hair color is more like this or this or this. grant and i both have red hair in our families. i'm not sure trudy's will stay like this but i would love it if it did!

6 sweet thoughts:

kate said...

she's so sweet! and that little outfit! oh my, i'm going to be broke when i'm a momma. i just can't resist all how cute everything is in the "littler" version.

and you're smokin in all hair colors. love that red on you. it's sassy!

Anonymous said...


Mindee said...

You have such an adorable baby! Love her hair and cute smile! ps-her outfit is adorable..!I love dressing up my little girl : )
Love all your hair coloes! Reds my fav though!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

i think i've said it about 98 times, but she is the freaking cutest thing i've ever seen.

trudy...{and jamo} said...

i love miss trudy cutie pie!

angela hardison said...

she is so sweet. love both of your red hair :)