Friday, April 8, 2011

31 weeks and 4 days


let's just say that you really gotta work your angles when you're pregnant. grant and i kinda went crazy taking pictures yesterday, hoping it would make up for our lack of picture taking. we took a million and i'm satisfied with like .... 2? maybe. i changed my outfit three times to add a little variety. by the time we were done i felt like i had ran a marathon.

i do wish i could have pictures of my mom pregnant with me. one of my FAVORITE movies is "the family stone", have you seen it? i watch it as much as possible every christmas. the picture that everyone gets of pregnant sybil (diane keaton), is so beautiful. i get teary eyed every time i watch them all open it. i'm such a baby.

i don't even know what this post is about. so now i'm going to bed.

14 sweet thoughts:

Anna said...

oh gosh what a gorgeous mom-to-be you are! you worked your angles like a pro!

David and Shalynna said...

You are beautiful! You are glowing (no one ever told me that during my pregnancies and I always secretly wished someone would :)- you seriously are. Notice that I will slowly stop posting photos of myself because by the time I hit 28-30 weeks I will look like a whale. But not you, you're all belly. You lucky duck.

I love that skirt. And the color of your hair. And babies.

Anonymous said...

You look fabulous :)

Sophia said...

you look amazing!

chloé said...

awww! britt! you look amazing! i agree with Shalynna! you are glowing! you look beautiful. i am so happy for you. i miss you!

angela hardison said...

you look so adorable! i have a couple photos of my mom pregnant with me and they're definitely some of my favorite.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

you look so cute! love this pic :)

Reimstar said...

I'm just going to tell you, you look beautiful. Oh and I love your last post too. I tell Rob all the time he needs to move me home to Denver because when a girl becomes a momma herself, she needs her own momma more than ever!

Chelsea said...

You look fantastic!! And The Family Stone is one of my faves too--you are not alone in getting choked up at that part! :)

Nicole said...

You look so good! I am very jealous that you still have the cutest clothes ever, even when you are pregnant!

niki said...

you are so darling!

and so close to the end. can't wait to see this little peanut.

s a s h a said...

um. hi! i miss you. and i love your pretty face and your little bump. i can't believe you are almost due. crazy crazy.

p.s love that movie. especially rachel mcadams.

kaysi van dyke fox said...

you are one gorgeous mama to be!!! i love your dress!!! you are def glowing!!! love it!!

ALIX said...

Brittany! You are so cute! I love your outfit (of course.) AAAAAND I'm loving your hair! You are just so stylish.