Thursday, February 18, 2010

pretty blossoms @ shade clothing

shade clothing has asked to feature my pretty visage blossoms at their local stores now through april 27. they've picked a few local designers to spotlight. my blossoms will be transferred every ten days to a new location. here is a schedule of where they'll be. i'm excited for this opportunity, be sure to check them out!

february 18 - march 2: centerville
march 4 - march 16: gateway
march 18 - march 30: the district
april 1 - april 13: american fork
april 15 - april 27: orem

p.s. click here for shade locations. to see a list of all the local designer's shade will be featuring... click here. oh and be sure to check out bijo, we've been doing so many fun and inspiring posts!

26 sweet thoughts:

The Browns said...

brit! that is so awesome. i wish i was there to check them out at the stores. i am so proud of you. i would love to order some before you come. much love!

Bruce, Meagan, and McLean said...

Love it Brit!! You are so gorgeous! Congrats, that is really awesome and a great accomplishment.
We love you guys.

Meagan Bruce and McLean

chloé said...

yay!! i am so excited about this! so happy for you!

p.s. my mom wants to buy some more and so do i :)

David and Shalynna said...

I love these photos!!!! Did you and Grant do them? I love how you grouped the green ones together. So pretty.

Can't wait to buy one! Save the cute ones for me. :)

Keighley Fleming said...


I have to ask... where did you get the striped shirt with the cloth belt/tie?!? I want it. You have such an adorable and classic look.

Tyler and Jess said...

YAHOO!!! I'm soooooo proud of you! You are amazing! I love you!!!! Sorry I missed your call, I can't wait to talk!

☂niki. said...

how great!

i'm so excited for you!!

this makes me want more more more!

i absolutely love the triplets in olive.

i need them.

did i ever tell you, i store mine on the fridge when i'm not wearing it?.. very cute.

Rach Romney said...

Brit that is so AWESOME!! Im way excited for you to have this opportunity!! I also love your pictures for this post!!

sasha said...

yeaaaaaaaaa, baby.
so so so happy and proud!

kaysi van dyke fox said...

oh my, i LOVE those! i really need to get some!! i totally have a fun idea for those!! :)

kaysi van dyke fox said...

ps. that is so rad you are a featured designer!!!!! exciting!!

kelsey and murray said...

first of all you are beautiful
second of all way to go on your flowers, i still need to come buy some
third of all, you are so inspiring in everything! seriously britt, you are one amazing girl!

Bridget said...

i just came across your blog but your stuff is great!! i'm glad i found you!

Megan Bleazard said...

That is awesome! Congrats! I would go buy one or 10 and support you if we lived in Utah. :(

Blicious said...

wow that is so great!! COngrats!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

that's exciting!

your blossoms are lovely and i'm not usually a big flower person. super cute. i like that they're more structural. you're so crafty!

Reimstar said...

You are beautiful!

jenny said...

so awesome! congrats:)

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Good for you Britt!! I think you have perfected these babys! They are so cute, I love the green trio. And I am LOVING your small stripped shirt with diagonal ruffles! Please tell me, where did you get that? You look so cute, I love your face in your green and gray sweater :)
Anyway we're on our way to Orem so we'll see you tomorrow night yay!

Nicole Marie said...

how exciting! congrats!

trudy...{and jamo} said...

you look SO cute.
that collage is so perfect.
you are such a hard little worker, i am so proud of you.

Alix said...

Brittany! I am so excited for these to come to our store! You have no idea... i loooooove these flowers! Can't get enough!

J & J said...

well look at you, miss accomplished! i am so proud of you! you had a vision, you went with it, and now look. congrats to you my love. i love those green ones.

Jaeme + Randy said...

How awesome is that?!

Nicole Wood said...

I'm so PROUD of you Brit!!!

The Pack's said...

This is sooooo NEAT!!! I am so proud of you! They are beautiful :)