Tuesday, April 3, 2012

first upholstery job

upholstery jobs just seem intimidating. i mean right? BUT, i've always wanted to try one because let's be honest.... they are always the best transformations. it's very satisfying to see a before and after that look completely different. so i figured that if i started small... there'd be less of a chance that i'd mess it up. 

p.s. i've tried to take good pictures of our living room and dining room at different times of the day and because i don't know anything about photography or editing... i just can't seem to get the lighting quite right. the light that comes through the windows washes everything out. but oh well, i'm no professional and you get the idea. i hope my attempt to upholster something small will inspire someone! this one was super easy. in fact, it was easy enough to make me want to try it out on the seat of a dining room chair... hopefully a post on that is coming soon. but knowing me, you can't count on anything (meh... must. get. better). linked up here.

behold... the ugly little bench stand thingy,
here it is in it's old, yucky scuffed up state.

so we painted it white and stapled it right up.
(fabric is a thrifted pillowcase)



  1. Looks like a magazine! You are so awesome, have I ever told you that! I had a dream last night that you guys were visiting for a whole week! It was the best week ever!! Miss you! Love you!

  2. Wow, that was a serious transformation! I love it! And i agree with Tyler & Jess - it does look like something out of a designer magazine. Bravo.

  3. britt! it look so so amazing! i LOVE the fabric. your house is amazing. well, what i've seen of it. and i assume the rest is just as awesome. i love it!

  4. I'm seriously dying over the post below!!! She is the cutest thing ever! I remember seeing one of those pics and being amazed she could do that. Now Perry does that same thing. We call it the downward dog. Our girls are going to be yoga instructors together.

    Love the stool! My favorite transformations are reupholstered too!

  5. That looks great!

    I love your whole entire house. The table and chairs still make me green with envy. :)

  6. Looks great! I could maybe do a small project like that one. I don't think I would tackle a whole chair though!

  7. super cute, britt! i'm rolling over the pics of trudy. i want to kiss her! When are you coming up? How about tomorrow? mmmmkayyyy. xoxo

  8. Great Job! It looks amazing and brand new!

  9. I love it! Graham and I tried to reupholster some chairs days before our wedding. Wow... I'm suprised we made it to the wedding. Talk about frustrating!!! :)

  10. Love it, love it. I have been wanting to upholster a little bench I have at our desk. You've inspired me :) P.s. your curtains are still my most favorite curtains I have ever seen. I compare all curtains to yours! Love you

  11. What a great before and after! Love how your stool turned out- and I love love your dining chairs!!

  12. Beautiful! It looks great with the floral print in the background.

  13. Your little bench really turned out terrific! I don't think I would have given that piece a second glance. Good thing YOU could see past the negatives. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. Be sure to stop by tonight and see yourself featured.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
