Tuesday, April 3, 2012

trudy's tripod

right before trudy started crawling she would find herself stuck in the same position all the time. and with nowhere to go. she would get into this v shape and then even hold her arms out so only her tippy toes and head were on the ground. it was hilarious. she'd get pretty frustrated because she didn't know what to do next. luckily for her, she eventually figured out how to crawl. she's a wild one! these days i can't do ANYTHING to keep her in her high chair or even sit in the shopping cart. it doesn't matter how tight i fasten her in... she finds a way out.

no. matter. what.


  1. that is hilarious! she is so freaking cute, britt. i can't even handle it.

  2. Oh my goodness are you serious? These are sooo cute and funny and adorable and make me want to meet her. Don't you love those little things that your own child does that seems to set her apart from the rest of the crowd? I love her!

  3. downward dog?! future yogi right there.

  4. Yep, I was thinking downward dog too! I think she might start a new photo trend. Forget planking.. let's all do the tripod! :)

  5. Ha! She is hilarious! I love that cute little thing!
