Friday, April 6, 2012

i married adventure

two summers ago i was browing through a local indoor flea market. it's one of my favorite places to walk around here in the city. while looking through a booth that was mostly books, i saw the most beautiful book i'd ever seen. even the title was perfect. it's weird to say, but i felt a connection to it immediately. not that i was crazy to read it... i was just so drawn to it's design. sometimes you just have to judge a book by it's cover. the book was marked $7. when i went to purchase it i noticed a sign that stated no purchases under $10 could be made with a card. and i had no cash. so i told myself that i would just come back later. well i did go back. but it was a week later and the book was gone. i've never regretted not buying something so much, like i did with this. so i told grant about it and we started searching for it online. this only made me regret not getting it even more. to find the book cheaper than $60 was nearly impossible and if i did they were copies that were beat up with scratches and too much fading. more common prices ranged from $100-$400. yowza. for a book!? little did i know... this book is quite the coveted piece in the design world! my searches were pulling up all sorts of design blogs and magazines. i was surprised but then... not very surprised. i've even seen pinterest boards that are all about this book. here are just a few shots showcasing it's beauty...


elizabeth bauer designs

house beautiful

vintage girl

apartment 412

habitually chicfast forward to a few months ago, grant was out driving to work when he spotted a used bookstore. he pulled over, went inside and asked if they had the book. thought it was probably super far fetched since it's hard to find online, let alone in the first bookstore he stopped at. he asked the clerk if they had it and he said yes. he told grant that he was selling it for $20 and grant thought for sure it must have been the paperback version he'd seen online. but then they pulled it off the shelf and there it was!!! in all it's beauty. he brought it home that night and put it on the coffee table. when i walked in the room he said, "notice anything different?"i don't think i need to even tell the rest of the story.


  1. Oh my goodness. That is too sweet. And this post was so beautifully written with the perfect ending!

  2. That book fits you perfectly, because you did marry adventure! I love it! That book is to die for!

  3. it's so cute how thoughtful he is!

  4. What a great book, and what a nice gesture! Glad you finally got it! :)

  5. that is so sweet! i too love that book at first looks so lovely! xo

  6. mid post i was about to vomit. i could feel your regret. i hate that feeling. it's the worst! so happy it had a happy ending!
