Wednesday, August 24, 2011


trudy had her blessing on sunday july 24th. we were in utah for about three days for a family reunion and figured that was the best and most convenient time. we had a smaller and more intimate setting with some family and a few close friends. my mom had always planned on making trudy's dress and so earlier on i sent her this picture. the dress turned out perfectly... i couldn't have been more pleased. trudy looked like a little angel.

unfortunately trudy was pretty fussy during the blessing. we were quite surprised because she is always pretty content. later that night we found a very sore bum and yucky diaper rash and knew that was why. poor girl. her pooh is starting to not be as liquid-y so that is good. i feel weird talking about pooh in the same post as her baby blessing. anyway we love our little trudy baby. grant did a great job and loves her so much. she is our little blessing.

p.s. i see tutorials on how to use photoshop and get rid of things like stork bites, discoloration and even veins. why would i contribute to that? does anyone else think that is silly? it's like changing my baby's appearance to make her look "perfect" already? no thank you. she is perfect the way she is. amen.


  1. Oh my goodness I'm crying right now, haha. That last picture. Your family of three, it just makes me happy. You're a mom now, and you and Grant look so happy. I love it. Blessings are so special. Trudy looks so beautiful in her dress- your mom did a great job. I look forward to the day I get to meet her in the future. Love you Britt :) (& grant!)

  2. oh, and yes I don't know why you'd photoshop a stork bite on a baby. people are weird.

  3. that dress is darling! i've never seen a cuter little girl's dress. and that baby in the dress? just precious. baby blemishes and all! :)

  4. What a beautiful dress! I can't believe people would photoshop their baby, that makes me sad!

  5. i love, love her dress! and she is so stinking cute! i agree with the thing about photoshop. so bizarre. she is perfect! so so cute!

  6. You crack me up... Pooh and her blessing in the same post!

    Precious girl. Precious dress.


  7. Britt she looked so perfect! That dress is amazing. Your mom is so awesome. The last picture makes my day. Your family is so sweet.

    PS I love your hair!

  8. that is the sweetest little baby blessing dress! i'm in love!

  9. that dress is so sweet! she's beautiful.

  10. that dress is SOOO darling!! trudy is a little beauty queen already!! you two did good!!! ;)

  11. ps. i couldn't agree with you more!!! our kids are beautiful the way they are stork bites and all!!! kruz has one over his right eye & its the funniest thing because i had the exact same one when i was a baby too! pretty crazy!
