Monday, August 8, 2011

what i'm probably eating for dinner


  1. she is truly adorable. isn't this stage the best!!

  2. what a doll...oh my gosh I can't wait to meet her and eat her up! But what if I *accidentally* steal her and keep her for my own? she is so yummy.

  3. heh... she is so cute, i don't blame you.

  4. ahhh! i love her! sean said that she was one of the most beautiful babies that he has ever seen. post more pictures of her to feed our baby hungriness! haha. love you guys. hope you are all doing well!

  5. I love her! She is so cute!! Can't wait to see her again!

  6. yep.. sweet enough to eat! what a cutie!

  7. oh my what a yummy meal that mustl've been! and the best part is, it's probaly like having dessert all over again everytime you look at that doll. she is so beautiful, brittany!

  8. Great pictures! She has bright beautiful eyes :)

  9. Oh how cute. I wish I could meet her. I want to eat graham all the time too, babies seriously just have the sweetest presence about them. She's already looking so much older Britt!
    Your birthday looked like so much fun, how sweet is grant to plan such a fun surprise.
    And I love tjmaxx too!! We go there all the time, and we have totally bought soap there before. I would love to try the face mask! You should share all your skin care research with me.... cause like I've told you before I think I'm getting wrinkles :)

  10. I could just eat her up too. I can't wait to meet her in less than a week!!!

  11. Oh I need to munch on that baby girl... but you are gone this week. we must get together when you get back. Hope you have fun on your trip. Much love to the barnes

  12. man alive britt she is ADORABLE. what is it about babies that makes you want to take a BITE out of them!?!? they are SO cute!!

  13. Your baby is beautiful! This is a very belated congratulations! I bet she's really happy you're her Mommy!

  14. i love those little baby lips!! haha, so sweet!!! she is just a little angel!!! so happy for you two!! i just love the joy they bring into your life, isnt it the best!!??
