Saturday, August 27, 2011

stenciled napkins

we've been out of town for the last week and i'm slowly getting back on top of things. i'd probably be caught up on laundry and cleaned toilets if i wasn't distracted by trudy and her smiles. i can't help but spend hours just looking in her eyes and smiling. i think i've said this on here before but i really can't say it enough... she brings me an everlasting joy and it feels so good inside. it doesn't even compare to anything else that could bring me happiness. in fact she makes everything else seem like it's just instant gratification. does that make sense? anyway i'm trying to get a good balance of everything in my life. mommy time, wife time, cleaning time, blogging or britt time etc. i haven't read anyone's blog in forever. i feel bad too but i know i will get to it all soon. i just love being a mom. when i take trudy out and about, i can't help but talk to her. i am totally one of those moms who pushes their kid around the store in a cart and stops ever 5 seconds to say "trudy...!!!" or "peek-a-boo!" or "bleh de bleh de BLEY duh" (don't worry about it, it's just something grant and i say when we stick our tongues out at her). she is just so cute and i can't believe she is all mine!

as usual i have lots of posts that i need to get done. especially in the project zone. we did this a few weeks ago and i love it. one day when i was browsing tj maxx, i saw some plain cream napkins. i've been wanting a very plain and neutral tablescape and i've always loved the emersonmade stenciled napkins. since we already had these stencils and paint... it was easy peasy. i'm loving all the project ideas that come from pinterest too. i think it just lights a fire of inspiration and motivation under our bums. agree? it all reminds me of one of my favorite talks, here is the mormon message from it. his words just make my heart beat fast. he is my favorite. linked up here.


  1. I just want to say...Stop being so creative! It makes me jealous!! Looked at Trudy's room again today for a little inspiration. You did such a great job! I love the napkins! Jamie always asks about who house I like when I complain about mine and I say, "Britt's!" I feel soooo busy right now and I don't want you to do or show any more projects until I'm home and have some free time to be creative too!! I love you! I miss you!! Just move back to Utah or have Grant invent a machine that can get me to your house it 15 minutes without killing me and Trudy's unborn best friend!!

  2. ok, i LOVE LOVE this idea!!! a few years ago i wanted to do something like this on a burlap placemat for my parents for christmas with everyone in my family's name on one!! you have totally got me wanting to do this again or on a pillow or something!! i love it!!! youre too crafty!!!

  3. I love this idea too! We're trying to move to a more neutral color scheme for our kitchen/dining/living rooms, and some DIY napkins like this would be just perfect for our kitchen!

  4. Love that napkin idea! Cloth napkins are my fav.
