Friday, January 21, 2011

can blue = girls too?

to be quite honest, i wanted a boy. i love boys. i wanted my first to be a boy. i have four brothers. no sisters. grant has 4 brothers. no sisters. i've been wanting a little babe for a while and because of that.... i kind of have a collection of baby clothes. and let's just say, i have a little bit more boy clothes. or maybe a lot bit more. yesterday i boxed up anything boy that i had and i found myself wondering if baby girl could wear anything from the boy box. ha.

now when the ultrasound lady said it was a girl... i couldn't stop smiling and neither could grant. in fact he is pretty much loving the idea of coming home to "his girls" every day. :) and while i do get more and more excited every day... i'm still trying to figure out baby girls. i never even look in the girl sections! one thing i know for sure is that her room and wardrobe will not be looking like something off the set of legally blonde. do i sound like a mean mom? (great. now i'm already going to be self conscious about something before she even gets here) i'm not gonna say i hate the color pink, but almost. maybe it's just hot pink? while every baby section does carry WAY more girl stuff than boys, i can't ever find anything i like! which leads me to shop only at thrift stores. i love the old stuff and i always have. i do think that there are some adorable girl options in stores but i don't know. like i said, i'm still figuring it all out. anyone have some girl headbands they'd like to recommend?

the other day i was driving and just running errands and pink's song "raise your glass" came on the radio. naturally i turned up the volume and starting dancing/singing while driving. then this image of a little girl popped in my head. she was sitting behind me in her car seat and singing right along with pink and myself. i started smiling and then just knew that even if i dress her like a boy, we are gonna be best buds. i can't wait to meet her and i pray for her health every day.

those socks are here.

p.s. if you dress your daughter in pink or hot pink (because you are normal), i never think twice about it. ugh i probably shouldn't have written this post.

p.p.s on a totally random note... please watch this. it is so funny.


  1. when pearl was a baby i never put bows on her because i don't like them very much on babies. everyone always thought she was a boy, but it didn't really bother me. not enough to put a brain squeezer (i.e. huge headband, no offense to anyone, please thank you) on her anyway. i'm not very into pink either and sometimes i buy her boys shirts. totally go with what you like! i'm excited for you.

    there are some cuuuuute vintage girls things, as i'm sure you know. do you read cakies ? her girls are always dressed so darling! my favorite girl store is olive juice kids. very classic/retro and they have amazing sales.

  2. hahahahaha, i love you even more!!! seriously some of these little girls wardrobes are out of control!!! seriously though, it is so hard to find cute baby stuff!! even for boys!! i def need to go thrifting because i have not found any super cute items yet!! oh but i saw these amazing moccasins that i thought were to die for...they have them in pink too!! ;) jk, but i know theyre for little girls too! i will have to find the link, i think you would love them!! OMGOSH, im so happy youre having a little girl, she is going to be so dang cute!!!

  3. I love your blog and I hope if you don't me reading it. My first was a girl and she is 11 months old now and she probably has more little black dresses than I can count. Not one thing in her closet is pink. Don't worry about not liking it pink. You will still be a great mom!!

  4. Hey brittany, this is Shannon from high school. Congrats! girls are so fun! (I have a girl and really want a boy next, I love boy clothes!) One place to look for really cute girl clothes is janie and jack. They are really expensive, so I pretty much only by stuff if it's on sale. Their stuff is made really well, and classic. Hardly ever trendy, and lately a lot of their stuff looks vintage. {Check out their new lines, lots of navy for girls!} hope that helps! :)

  5. oh my gosh. i dress evie in pink and i am so offended by this post. hahaha. totally kidding. you sound so much like shalynna to me in this post. i love you girls.

    as i sit here and type, evie is wearing a red gingham button up that belonged to her daddy when he was a baby and a blue bow. she looks just the right amount tom boy while still looking girly. in fact, she has quite a few boy items. you're going to love the versatility that girls are able to pull off, because they can wear both. now that you're mind set has to switch to girl, you will start seeing adorable girl stuff pop up everywhere.

  6. You are going to love having a little girl. I so badly wanted a boy first, but when they said "it's a girl" I was thrilled. When you said you imagined a little girl in her car seat while you drive, dancing and singing with you, it made me tear up. That is exactly something Scarlett and I do She is my best friend, we have so much fun together. You are absolutely going to love it.

    I am not a big pink fan, either. I ended up doing Scarlett's room very simple, in light pink, and brown, and white. I agree with you on clothes- but Baby Gap is my favorite. Girly, but not obnoxious. And I can't stand shirts with dogs or cats, or shirts that say things like "I'm Beautiful", or "My Mom is hotter than your Mom" (sorry to any of your readers who like those). I think babies are just adorable little people, and they should be dressed that way. I have no doubt your daughter will be dressed amazingly well. I can't wait to see her. Congratulations.

  7. I love you! I love this post. Like I said before I thought it was a boy, it seemed logical, but a GIRL seems PERFECT! I am so thrilled!!! It's funny cause I always love the girl stuff and can't find any boy stuff. I think a little girl dressed like a boy will be the CUTEST thing! Man I miss you! I need to come for a visit!

    Loved the video too! Just shows we all want the same thing...a little love!

  8. hahaha. I was the same way. I do not love pink. I was convinced that if I had a girl she would be in baby blue. Now Rog makes fun of me and tells me that we should have had a girl because I put baby legs on him. (Link below). You have to admit they are cute and they protect their knees when they crawl or on tummy time :) anyway. Your little lady will be so darling in blue :)


  9. there are WAY more vintage girl options than boys I find. Also there are WAAAAY more DIY baby girl things than boys. so count your blessings... maybe you can make it if you dont find it?

  10. Haha, well opposed to everyone else. I love pink and love the idea of dressing a girl up and so Tyler and I were way excited when we found out we were having a girl. so if anything you should be excited because she can have a little friend to play with! Oh and one of my friends makes bows and has a great etsy store. We're so excited for you!! I'm SURE you will get creative and I can't wait to see all the styles you come up with for her.

  11. Britt, i can relate on EVERY level. i pretty much knew that i was having a girl.. but i secretly wanted a boy. i have 5 nephews, and my sisters dress them up in the dang cutest things, so i wanted to have a boy. i walk into stores and want to walk to the boy sections because i RARELY EVER find cute girl things. its crazy.
    and i am doing her nursery right now and there is not ONE STITCH of pink. its blue, green, yellow & red ;) totally boy-ish, but im making it work. i totally get you on the pink thing. im not saying she'll never be in pink, but im not drawn to it AT ALL.
    (and the name we love right now is not very girly either)
    ANYWAY, sorry for leaving a novel... but i wanted to tell you that you are not alone. :) but i know everything you do for her will be adorable. im so excited for you!! congrats!

  12. Agreed!! While pink is totally THE girl color, I love everything other than pink on my little girl. She does wear her fair amount of pink, but sometimes I think it looks like I just dumped pepto bismo all over. I'm sure you'll find things you love. Congrats on the news! I can't wait for your little angel to be here!

  13. We are the exact opposite! Maybe our babies were switched in the womb? :) Since I thought I was having a girl, I had everything picked out (in my head) and there was lots and lots of Robin Egg blue involved. So yes! Go with the blue if that's what you want!

  14. i'm the same way! five brothers no sisters and my husband has seven brothers no sisters. i want a boy too, but i just KNOW i'll have a girl first!!

    congrats though! she's going to be beautiful!! oh, and so with abby on the brain squeezers. say no people. say NO!

  15. Hi Brittany, I found your blog through my sister Megan Reber. Grant and i grew up together. Love the blog...we have similar decorating taste. I just laughed at your post because I have a little girl and most days she is wearing boy clothes. Not because I wanted a boy, but because I am such a tomboy and not a big fan of pink. Her nursery is also vintage maps and suitcases. The colors are Chocolate brown and white with NO PINK IN SIGHT! SOOOO needless to say I loved the post. We also get funny looks with our daughters name. Ella James......after her daddy James. Good luck with the pregnancy. Little girls are the BEST!
