Monday, January 24, 2011

sneaker peeker cheeker weeker beeker teeker

we haven't hung pictures up yet and i'm a little nervous about that. the wall that we are hanging them on is humongous and it's such a big beautiful empty canvas to work with.... it just makes me nervous. and it's hard finding collage patterns for our pictures. ya know? we did end up finding a lamp. we sort of gave up on the image we had in our head. we found one that we both are happy with though. a steal at target for $40 and it does the job perfectly. i'm still on the hunt for a big big rug to go under our bed, i think i mentioned this before but our whole house is tiled. it really wakes you up when you have to pee five times a night because the ground is freezing! i've gone so neutral with colors in the dining room, kitchen and living room... i wanted our room to be very colorful. rugs are just difficult for me because all floral styles are either too trendy or too traditional. it seems i only like transitional patterns or moroccan styles. which is fine but i've got to mix some patterns here or i'll hate the room. anywho i did order our runner in the hallway from overstock and i absolutely love it. it's so pretty. so for the record, overstock is great in my book. great prices and great quality.

we did the fun pelmet box tutorial from little green notebook. it was easy and it looks beautiful. it really is a fun, cute and cheap project if anyone is wondering what to do for window treatments. we do so many projects around here and grant is starting to get at me for not taking more pictures (before, during and afters) so that we can show our creations (he is right, but i need to be better with taking pictures of anything and everything lately). we really love the "diy specialists" (according to nate berkus) from young house love. their blog is so fun to look through. we may or may not be jealous of them and all they have accomplished. very motivational for us.

since i spend hours studying design lately, my advice to anyone out there who is wanting to freshen up their space? PAINT IT WHITE. and yes those are all links so please check them out.

also... abby was the right one on the chairs (good job!). we ordered tolix chairs. those gosh dang tolix chairs. when i first fell in love with them, i found all these look-a-like styles and showed them to grant and he hated all of them. then he did all this research on the tolix chair and we basically fell in love with the real ones. so after that we could never get the real and beautiful ones out of our heads. then one glorious night we were at target. we finished our shopping, rang up and were walking out of the store when grant says "okay if you can guess within $20 of our total tonight (knowing that i never pay attention at the register and am easily distracted by different flavors of gum etc) i will give you a kiss on the cheek. predicting where this was going, i moan and groan... saying "no no no i hate this stuff. you know i hate these games." "and if you guess within $5 of the total, i'll give you a massage..." "AND if you guess within $2 of the total... we will go home and order the tolix chairs". immediately i'm trying to figure out how many items we purchased and then each of their prices. see the thing is, i just don't like having to think hard about something BUT when i do? i'm pretty good at figuring things out. so after totaling it up in my brain at least three times, i name my price. grant can't stop smiling and he says "crap". i smile and say "what! what! what!?" to which he replies... "did i name a prize for a guess that is only 2 cents off?" hahahhaha. yes i am amazing.

i loved all the advice on my relationship with the color pink. i think i've got some cute ideas for her room and so that is exciting. last night grant and i made a list of our top names. we found one that makes us smile when we think of calling her it, however it is most definitely a name that we could get a lot of weird looks from. i've been talking to my grandma a lot lately (on the telefono) and imagining her reaction to this particular name makes me laugh. while we know its our baby, and we can name her whatever we want....getting funny looks is never fun so we'll just keep sleeping on the list and i'll continue to drive everyone crazy by not telling them any names we like. he he


  1. brit, i am so excited to see pics of your house and nursery! you are so talented and creative. can't wait to hear what her name is. i swore up and down i wasn't going to name our baby girl til she was born, but that plan failed. anyway, i'm sure her name and everything else will be amazing!

  2. Thank you for the comment! You seem like a gem. I mostly shop for Alex {daughter} at Gap, Old Navy, H&M and thrift stores. Of course you having amazing style no doubt your sweet pea will be a little fashionista!

    We named our daughter based off her initials because we thought it would be hysterical if they spelled AnW like the root beer. We had way too many root beer floats that night. We were on a sugar high when we named her.

  3. i am a total fan of young house love! it is one of my fave diy blogs. i have been scouring them like crazy lately trying to figure out what the heck we want to do with our house. it is harder than i imagined to decorate a space that is actually yours. in our apartment, we kinda just slapped stuff on the wall, but i don't want to do that here. so it's nerve racking. and then frustrating that we still don't ahve anything on the walls. i agree with grant. you should post more of your house!

    and i hear ya on the name thing. even though it is your baby, you don't want the weird looks. however, i DID tell you the names we were thinking of, so i think you're basically obligated to tell me, right ;)

  4. you have an eye! great eclectic sense of flow and i love the color and detail. i want to see the room as a whole! any online finds you come across on cute girl stuff let me know. we can help eachother out. i just found this adorable shoe site. Their boots are the cutest ever for little girls! check it it out;

  5. ohhhh it looks so exciting! i can't wait to see it all unveiled. also, it's hard to beat tolix chairs. nice choice.

  6. I am so excited more photos! Everything looks so great so far. I love that gray carpet- the pattern is so fun.

    I can't believe you came within two cents of the price. That's crazy!

    I thought I commented on your baby clothing post below, but I don't see it. Basically I just said that I was surprised that you weren't going to have your little girl in a different colored tutu each day of the week. That and headbands with flowers bigger than the poor baby's head. :)
