Wednesday, January 19, 2011

i thought it was going to be a boy....

but i was wrong!


  1. ahhhhh!!!!!! congrats!!!!! I am sooo excited for you guys! no matter what you guys have, it will be beautiful! but a cute mini brittany will be so fun! yay! i can't wait for you guys!!

  2. oh and p.s. these pictures of baby grant are sooo cute!

  3. CONGRATS:) so excited for you!!!

  4. I knew it!!! She'll be the best dressed in town, but I'm sure Grant will try to teach her to shoot guns and go camping and stuff. :) Congrats! Does this mean I'm having a girl too?

  5. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    es nina!

    i'm too excited for words!

  6. yay congrats!! girls are so fun! she will be perfect:)

  7. holy cow you are going to have the cutest little sweetie! Oh my goodness I can't wait to see how cute you dress her!

  8. yay for girls! Ours can be friends :) COngratulations, she'll be adorable

  9. girls are the best anyway!!! you can borrow my two anytime you want some practice....i might even let you guys keep them. congrats!!!


  10. ahhhh! oh my HECK! yay yay yay! congrats! so so fun! oh my heck. i'm so freaking excited for you. yay!

  11. Woohoo!!!!
    I had a big feeling it was going to be a girl :) Like I was 99% sure! What did Grant think the gender was?? I am SO excited for you guys!!!!!!! Yay!! Are you happy it's a girl?? Not going to lie, I'm a little envious cause there's been like 5 people after me that all found out they're having girls.... but I just keep reminding myself this will be so good for Cohen and for the future. I just want to dress a little girl and decorate! I will have to live that happiness through you :)
    How fun would it be if we lived closer since our babies will be just weeks apart? Love you Britt! Congrats :)

  12. awww a little girl!! that's so exciting! congrats!

  13. hooray for little girls!!! she is going to be so well dressed :) congrats! yay!

  14. YAYYYYYYYY, she is going to be one BEAUTIFUL little girl!!! i am so excited to see all of her little outfits too!! haha. LOVE it!!!

  15. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  16. YAY for girls! You are going to be the coolest mom.

  17. Congrats!! Girls are so much fun--at least mine is. :) I'm slightly jealous--my anatomy ultrasound is scheduled for Monday, but I really want to know right NOW! Your little sweetie is sure to be utterly adorable.

  18. wahoo!! i secretly want a little girl first, well murr really does but so do i! can't wait to see pics of her nursery, etc. hope you are starting to feel a little better!!

  19. Congrats Brit! I only wish she and evie could be friends! I'm dying to find out her name!!

  20. Those pictures at to die for!! The school bus one makes my heart melt. I love that you are having a girl. I thought it would be a boy too, but this seems perfect. I love you!!

  21. a little girl will be such a great addition to your family! so happy for you guys!! plus, i've discovered the past 9 months that girl clothes are SO much cuter than boy clothes.. you will love it!

  22. Congrats! It probably sounds bad but I totally am wishing and hoping that I have a girl first!

  23. to be honest i'm a little nervous for a girl. you feeling that way too? it's hard for me to dress a little baby girl because i've always said when dressing steele that i don't put anything on him that i wouldn't want brett to wear. i've started looking for girl clothes and there is no way i can have that same agenda. i can't find anything i would wear in size newborn to six months. i went to nordstrom rack and ended up buying more clothes for steele because nothing seemed right....let me know if you're feeeling the same way. i may be totally wrong. you will be better than me though with picking out clothes. congrats!!!
