Saturday, November 13, 2010


well we've been hanging out here in hawaii for about a week and a half. we haven't eaten enough pineapple yet. that is for sure. we are 5 minutes from the beach, this allows us morning and evening swims. except i will never ever swim in the ocean at night. can we say scariest thing ever! getting sun kissed on waikiki beach in the middle of november is really not too bad. we've had very limited internet access. and verizon isn't the best to have here either. we're here for another week or so and then hoping that life will settle down a bit. i'm really anxious to get back home and finish making our home feel like one. hope everyone is having fun getting ready for the holidays... i'm SOOOoo excited!

p.s. we had our first halloween giving treats out to the trick or treaters. it was so FUN!! we kept falling in love with all the kids. especially mini michael jackson and his silver glove that was basically falling off his tiny little hand (as he sneakily grabbed 5 candies from the bowl). we were flying here on the first so halloween really took a back seat this year. i know, it's still hard for us to believe.


  1. I am absolutely in love with Hawaii! My family goes about every other year and it is my favorite vacation. You will have to try out Maui sometime when you want to go back. Its amazing.

  2. i didn't realize you were going to be gone for so long. wow. i never got an email from you, i hope your account is not messed up. uh. come home so we can be friends. i miss you. love ya.

  3. that is quite the way to be spending your anniversary! lucky you! what company does grant work for?

  4. hawaii! awesome. let's see some more photos :)

  5. Sweet! That's a good job to send you out there! Jeff and I will be in Oahu on Saturday for about 10 days! We're calling it our "before the babies come vacation". Yay for Hawaii!
