Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a few of my favorites

just thought i'd do a little spotlight on some of my favorite etsy shops. sometimes in the blogging world, one amazing purse/ring/style/picture will surface many blogs. and by the end of the week we have the inside of the jcrew bridal shop in new york memorized. ya know what i mean? and i don't blame everyone for posting beautiful and exciting things... however i hope to bring some unique and creative pieces/shops that you aren't very familiar with. eh?

1. mrmrs. they have the COOLEST shop. 
i absolutely love everything in it. they step out of the box.
which is nice.
2. roverdog. do i even need to say anything?
3. nadinoo. a london based shop with clothing that i lust after weekly. 
4. sundriesandplunder. cutest leather masks that will last a lifetime. 
LOVE this shop!

interested in seeing more? i have pages of favorite shops... i'm thinking of maybe doing a regular favorite feature around here. so much good stuff that i'm itching to share!


  1. i need that navy pea coat for big boy so he can match evie in hers!

  2. I love your eye. You do feature unique things and you always inspire me!
