Saturday, November 13, 2010

tres anos

so this year we spent our third anniversary (october 12) in a u-haul driving all day. we made a 24 hour trip to utah to bring back all of our stuff in storage. we figure even though that may not have been ideal for celebrating... we are in hawaii right now and we can probably count this as our celebration ;) we are here for grant's job. both of us had never been here before so it's new and exciting. i love seeing random chickens walking around and i'm very tempted to chase them. we are on the side of the island where parts of jurassic park were filmed and it is beautiful.

i love my granty poo. he is so sweet to me. i still can't wait to see him every day. he works so hard for us and i appreciate him so much. he is my best friend. the way we know each other now, i could have never even imagined. hopefully that made sense. i feel so lucky to have him by my side for the rest of my life.



  1. hey! Welcome to Hawaii! Are you on Kauai ( I'm assuming because of the Jurassic Park reference and there are a million chickens on Kauai!:)

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary you cute little love bugs. I can't even think of a better couple in the whole world. I am so jealous you are in Hawaii, I have never been there either and people look at me like I'm an alien whenever I say that. Glad I wasn't alone..until now ;) haha.

  3. happy anniversary! you two are darling. so jealous about hawaii!

  4. Happy Anniversary. And enjoy Hawaii! It is one of my favorite places in the whole world.

  5. im so jealous!! i LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE oahu!!! the north shore is my favorite, we always stay at turtle bay!! its so nice because its away from all of the tourists!!! :) cant wait to see all of your pictures!! that area is so beautiful!! you guys should climb the stairway to heaven!! my brother said its amazing!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! you two are awesome!!

  6. happy 3!! and hello am i jealous or what! i'm still waiting for my first trip to the islands. never been and would die to take your place.

  7. I'd say you guys have probably the most perfect life ever!

  8. happy (belated) anniversary! beautiful couple.

  9. happy 3 years you guys! you are perfect for each other. we miss you guys so much. i hope you guys are having a blast in hawaii! sean and i have never been either! thanks for your sweet comment the other day! i can assure you though that our house is never clean haha. i think i've made that bed twice and it's only because i was taking pictures! come on... it's me chloe! ;) anyway, i love you lots! hope you guys are doing great!

  10. So precious! Happy anniversary! Hawaii sounds amazing. New things together are so much fun.
