Monday, October 18, 2010

"moving is for the birds" - grandma jones.

oh hello lovely little blog! we have neglected you. so it's time to catch up. we live in a house now. it's weird. it doesn't really feel real yet because... wellllll it's still in shambles. yuck. ya know what's crazy? i have dreamed and dreamed of finally being able to decorate a house... and now that i have the chance, i find myself staring at the walls not knowing what to do. making decisions feel like they will be my last or something. like they are the most important decisions of my life. and to some that could sound silly, but as much as i like change.... i want long lasting styles. simple... ness. simple-ness that makes me happy and excited to come home and make cupcakes or something. right now things are still in boxes which basically makes me feel like laying on the couch and not doing anything. so yes, my mom has always been right and i can hear her voice LOUD and CLEAR, " clutter equals chaos". anywho we will be doing a lot of traveling in the next little bit but i do hope to get some pictures of our casa up sometime soon. and no just because we live in the land of enchantment does not mean we live in an adobe. however our whole house is tiled. brown tile. and i like it!

did you know that the new mexico balloon fiesta brings in nearly ONE million people every year! 2/3rds of the worlds hot air balloons are at our fiesta. (yes i just wrote "our", i can't help it! i love it here). i was so excited to attend even though we did wake up at 5:00 in the a.m. here are some pictures to document the event. i was just in heaven with all the colors... it was so beautiful!!!

oh and i've been falling in love with black and white.... click here to see what i mean.


  1. beautiful! I must make note of this and put it on the 2 to list. Where in NM is this?

  2. i am so jealous that you got to go to this!!! that is so cool! those balloons are BEAUTIFUL!!! it makes me wish i lived in NM! :)

  3. okay....remember when you said, "I wish i could pull all my hair back..."? CUTE. your bangs have grown!

    awesome hot air balloon festival! wow.

    i wish you the best of luck unpacking.
    i. hate. unpacking.

  4. i am so jealous! this should be on my list.

    the pictures look beautiful, but so do you!

  5. oh my gosh... totally worth waking up at 5 in the AM for that! It looks AMAZING! i miss you girl! glad you are enjoying NM... but seriously. hope all is well with you! :)

  6. I love you!! You sound sooo happy which makes me sooo happy!! Your comment about decorating is EXACTLY EXACTLY how I feel!!!!!! That is why there is nothing on our walls! I just can't make a decision to save my life!!! Did I mention that I love you? Well I do! Are we ever going to talk again? I hope so!! (ha that sounds like we are in a huge fight!)

  7. decor is such a hard thing to start even thinking about. it's exciting but hard...well more like exhausting when you have unpacking to do. 5 yrs ago i had this amazing french gondola look i thought was fab and my entire living space is french. i HATE it now and would die to go back and go for something more contemporary. you have good taste so it shouldn't be hard. just piece things together slowly so you get the feel of what jives.

  8. I can relate so much to you in this post! We are moving in a month or so and I already feel like you trying to make "the biggest decisions of my life" ha ha I love it. I miss you tons by the way. I need a friend who likes to thrift who lives here so bad!
    Put up pictures as you decorate I would love to see your ideas and how you started to decorate in the first place.:)
    PS~ DIED over those fringe sandals. DARLING.
    LOVE you!

  9. PSS~ This is sophie. and I forgot to tell you how much I loved the pictures in this post. You have one of those blogs, to me, where all the pictures are eye candy.

  10. congrats on the house. having a house is SOOoo much work but SO rewarding (and fun of course!)
    that balloon fiesta looks incredible--how fun!
