Friday, October 1, 2010

october is here!

man it's been pretty busy around here. i haven't done an update on us in a while. a long while. grant is now in his fourth year of selling and his experience working here far exceeded his expectations. because it is a year round company, we've decided to stay here for at least another year. we've been treated so well. plus the company is opening an office in hawaii soon and i guess they'll have to fly us out there and we'll have to check it out. :) 

since we will be here for another year we are saying GOODBYE to living in an apartment. we aren't buying a house since we aren't sure how long our stay will be but we will be moving into a rental home. soon we will have all of our stuff from our storage unit here and our massive collection will be in one place! hallelujah. i bought a door mat yesterday and i can't wait to put it on our porch. it will be so nice to spread all of our stuff out in rooms! i am ecstatic. other than that grant stays very busy and so do i. etsy is time consuming. it takes a lot of work. i try to stay up with all that and recently i received a job offer to be a buyer for a consignment shop. exciting. 

so that is our update! i look forward to catching up on blogging. i've been a bit out of it and more sucked into the world of etsy. so far i have made two purchases on etsy since i started getting more serious about selling my flowers this past summer. i have been more than happy with both sellers that i bought from and had a great experience. one of my purchases were a pair of ruby earrings. i love gemstones, especially rubies. the earrings are gorgeous and around the ruby is crocheted gold. AND they are from ISRAEL! the earrings in my ears traveled to me all the way from ISRAEL. i feel pretty cool about that. so remember, if you are looking for anything.. try out etsy first. buy handmade! 


  1. How exciting for the two of you! I'm so glad things are going well in New Mexico (right? or is it AZ??) and the fact that you were offered a job to be a buyer!! So dreamy!

    I must admit though that I'm a little sad that you guys aren't coming back to Utah. Though I don't know you IRL I've thought about how cool it would be to run into you in Orem and have you help me buy clothes. Silly thought really especially since I go to Orem maybe once a year. Ah well.

    Congrats you guys and good luck!

  2. i cannot believe it's october already.

    congrats on all the fun new changes.

    i love etsy too (obviously); i've decided to look there first for whatever i might want.

  3. Yahoo yahoo yahoo!!! You guys deserve it!! Sorry I missed your call, can't wait to talk!! I love you!

  4. Yay for a good life! Congrats on moving and woohoo to coming to Hawaii! Just let me know if you need a tour guide. ;)

    I wish I could say I've been busy with etsy. I mean, I'm busy painting but just one sale so far. Hopefully it picks up. Who knows.

  5. how fun!!! you guys are always doing something exciting!! i love your decorations!! they are soo cute!! i just love this time of year!!

  6. RENTAL HOUSE?! how exciting!!!!!! yay!
    how exciting about your new job?! i want to hear all about it!
    when are you coming up again?

  7. p.s. the pics on your etsy are freakin cute.
    i love you.

  8. I'm glad to hear things are going well out there! Sounds like you are having great adventures together :)

  9. I am so happy you get to finally have all your stuff at one place. I totally understand having all your stuff in storage... that was our first 3 years of marriage. Can't wait to see pictures.

    Also, I am dying to see the new earrings. Will you please post a picture? I swear not to copycat.


  10. such charming halloween decor. i did some thrifting in la this past week and thought of you. i found this amazing pair of boots and a leather flap shoulder bag. such a rush.

  11. Your Halloween decorations inspire me! Thank you for sharing :)

    -Kate @
