Friday, March 18, 2011


been outta town and leave tomorrow for another trip too. i'm behind on all things that involve the computer, however i'm doing pretty good with projects. one day i'll be daring enough to open my google reader. right now i'm just afraid of it. i'm in the third trimester with a very curvy body, i can embrace the baby bump... but other curves? i just try to ignore. this baby is healthy and keeping right on track. hope everyone is doing great and getting excited for warmer weather. here is something that makes me smile. 

p.s. also, our hearts go out to the people of japan, i can't imagine the devastation there. we're keeping them in our prayers.

4 sweet thoughts:

chloé said...

i love love this video! i saw it a while back and i think that little girl is the cutest thing ever! i just love this song too though :) hope you are doing great britt :) i sure miss ya! hope you are feeling good and that grant is doing great too!

brittany - moccasin run said...

this is one of my favorite songs! it makes me so happy :)

reimstar said...

Oh so happy to see a new post from you :) I love they way she look up her daddy. So sweet

ALIX said...

this video is adorable... it almost made me cry! so cute! I love that song! I want to see pregnant pictures. I know, you probably are like, EVERYONE wants to see pregnant pictures... but seriously it's so fun to see! Hope all is well with you guys!