Thursday, September 9, 2010

etsy oh etsy


so my goal is to have every color in four different styles. it is taking forreevvvveerrr. please feel free to check out my shop. i made a fancy treasury inspired by fall wardrobes here and another really fun halloween one here. thanks for stopping by.... hope everyone is having a great week!

p.s. we went to a ranch for the holiday weekend... update below :)

***p.p.s. i forgot to mention that i was featured on the etsy blog! yep, my lime green trio made it there... see here. ***

8 sweet thoughts:

abby said...

love that rainbow of colors! so pretty!

Anonymous said...

can i just say i lurv what you do!
fantastic etsy shop!
i know it's a lot of work but you do a great job!

chloƩ said...

ahhh i love these. you amaze me britt. you are so talented and i need to have some more of these! i get compliments every time i wear mine. I miss you so much. i never blog anymore.. but i want you to know that i think of you often and miss you! hope to see you guys soon!!

The Bella Life said...

I love the periwinkle purple/blue. amazing!

trudy...{and jamo} said...

they look SOOOOOO pretty in that rainbow! i can't wait to check out your treasury!

Traci Barnes said...

Wow Brittany!! You are practically famous!! Hey, can I order some and have you bring them this weekend?

Lindsay @ Hello Hue said...

Sweet products and blog! Following from Etsy forums! :)

petite carousel said...

your blog and your shop are beautiful, hope you had a great weekend!