Tuesday, March 2, 2010

chloe ashby and why i love her

i just wanted to do a quick post on a girl who continues to make me smile. chloe and i went to high school together but unfortunately did not know each other near as well as we do now. i feel like i really missed out on not being closer to her sooner because she is such a great person. i love reading her blog, she inspires me to be better and most of all helps me to accept myself for who i am. which i am very grateful for. you will know what i mean if you read her blog... she is so real and i really really love it (and sometimes i feel like i'm reading about my own life when i read some of her posts). she is such a down to earth girl, very humble, absolutely HILARIOUS, gorgeous... seriously- she is flawless, she is accepting of everyone and she can always pull herself out of an annoying, frustrating or just yucky experience with a fabulous outlook on life. i really just love having her as my friend.

10 sweet thoughts:

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I totally love Chloe's blog and this is such a totally sweet post!

chloé said...


Thank you so much for this post..seriously. it put me to tears! you are so sweet! It is so crazy because everything that you said in it is exactly how i feel about you! i too wish we could have been closer in high school, and i regret being so shy and introverted. but i am thankful now that we have become close.. i remember how scared i was to first comment on your blog.. i didn't think you would remember me, but i was so glad you did..and so glad that we have become such great friends! you are so amazing and such a blessing to my life! i feel like we have a special friendship. i feel like we are the kinds of friends that just hit it off, i feel like i have known you forever. even though we don't hang out all the time, i know that when we do hang out it will be awesome. i know that we are always going to be friends and i am so excited about that.

there are so many times that i get scared to say how i feel, and question my life.. and my blog. but when people say things like this, it makes me feel better about just putting it all out there. the good and the bad :) i don't regret a thing! i love when people can relate..and i love all the friends i have made through blogging.

i honestly can't thank you enough for this post and your friendship :) it means more to me than you will ever know :) grant is an incredibly lucky man..and he is freaking awesome too.. you guys are the perfect couple. sean misses you guys just as much as i do.. so lets play soon! i love you so much!! and thank you, thank you, thank you! i am so happy right now!

Jess and Matt said...

okay, so i had to post on this one because you are just so darn popular i though my comment might get lost in your bahama's post. anyway, why are you so freaking perfect in every single way? seriously, these pictures should be in a magazine. i am obsessed with the candidness of them, the first one especially. it looks like it was such a fun trip. i also have popped in to read chloe's blog too, i guess i am sort of a creepy stalker ;), but i love her and don't even know her.

Unknown said...

i love chloe too, she is SO amazing. i hope i get to meet her in real life one day!! (what a sweet post!) xox

David and Shalynna said...

She is such a doll. I love her blog. She is freaking hilarious!

kaysi van dyke fox said...

that is so cute!! you both are gorgeous on the inside & out!! her blog is way cute!!

☂niki. said...

chloe is adorable and you are sweet.

what a perfect friendship.

emily+brett said...

i love chloe too! growing up she was one of my really good friends. in high school we kind of ended up in different crowds but she has always been someone i admire. i sincerely think she is one of the most beautiful people i’ve ever met, inside and out.

as for you, you happen to be gorgeous yourself!! the bahamas look stunning and i loved all your cute looks. coincidently i loved your black hat, black dress and black swim suit. so flattering on you!

trudy...{and jamo} said...

Chloe is so cute!

Lauren said...

sounds like we're all a part of the "we love chloe club". she's pretty amazing...and i'm not gonna lie...i'm more than just a bit jealous that you guys actually get to hang out in real life. haha! i am really glad that you've both found such good friends in each other though :).