Friday, May 8, 2009

harry potty

because grant and i recently finished the 6th harry potter book, today i feel like writing about two people; jk rowling and jim dale. first off, rowling's brain is unimaginable. it just proves there is a god. i mean seriously though, how in the world? the stuff she comes up with is incredible, she is a master at what she does. (i can't even imagine the brains of J. R. R. Tolkien) we love the way she writes, it leaves us not in just suspense but sometimes when things unfold in the harry potter series.. it reminds me of the gospel. just because everything is always making so much sense. if i consider how very precise and exact she was to put this all together, i just can't even fathom it! basically, i just love her.

jim dale is the amazing voice of the harry potter audio books. and if any of you watched "Pushing Daisies" an ABC series...(probably one of my favorite shows) you know what voice i'm talking about because he narrated that as well. the first book had 30 -40 (character) voices in it. which ended up just being a fraction of the voices for the whole series. right now he holds a Guinness World Record for having created 134 different character voices for ONE book (the 5th). isn't that ridiculous?and I don't even know about the seventh. every time we hear his voice when we start listening to the audio book we just smile at each other. his voice really is that great. I don't know how he does it but he sure does it well, without saying who is talking (in the book) you can always tell which character it is. incredible. 

as of late last night the barnes have begun the SEVENTH book...... dun dun DUN!!! (julie are you out there? aren't you excited!?) (i wish we could see the 6th movie together) Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. here we come! and if you haven't read the series... you should probably start. you won't regret it!

2 sweet thoughts:

abby said...

i think it is so cute you listen to those together. i have a hard time with books on tape. i don't know why. i just need to SEE the words. but hello Jim Dale- amazing. love him.

Unknown said...

Nate and I are on the 6th book of Harry Potter and we have been listening to all of them on CD. So I totally know what you mean, Jim Dale is INCREDIBLE!!! Seriously, it makes listening to those books SO enjoyable!!