Tuesday, October 18, 2011

i'm a mom.

and it is the best. i love hanging out with her all day. 
she is so funny and always making me laugh. i feel so blessed.


  1. Ha ha ha!! The picture of her pulling your hair just about made me fall off my seat!!!! Ha ha ha! I want to hang that somewhere I'll see it everyday cause it makes me smile! Your hair looks awesome! Britt...like way awesome! I love you and I want Trudy to be my neighbor!

  2. yep. the hair pulling picture is classic!

    what a pretty momma you are! glad to hear you're loving every minute of it!

  3. haha. i am dying at all the pictures. i love that our babes are at the exact same stages. doing the same things. perry just had the stomach flu and it was the worth thing i've ever experienced as a mom. i hope you don't ever have to. horrible!

    funny too that perry has that same shirt and those same leggings. i don't know if they are from the exact same places but her shirt is in red from ae.com and her leggings are from children's place. love it.

  4. i promise i don't have a lisp.. "worst" thing ever.

  5. Love this, its so sweet :). And you look amazing!

  6. so pretty...random- but your eyebrows look fantastic!

  7. you are such a cute mom! lucky baby!

  8. The girls in the family are definitely CUTE,
