Thursday, October 13, 2011


we never take myspace/facebook pictures of us anymore because we don't use our point and shoot. it's not really easy using the slr to do pics like these. so some ended up blurry or with weird angles. whatever. we had a great night at a really yummy restaurant. grant spoiled me with flowers too. and a fridge full of all my favorite treats. i bought him "scrabble slam!" i like our love now better than ever before. just feels so much more real. it's been a great four years. "love and marriage.. love and marriage... go together like a horse and carriage..." i think that is my favorite frank sinatra song. and frank sinatra now makes me think of landau eugene murphy jr. if you don't know him... you are missing out. winner of AGT this year. here is his audition. 


  1. you guys are so cute. happy 4 years! i love the pictures. :)

  2. Happy anniversary to you guys! Isn't it crazy how time makes love stronger and just different? I like how you said more "real", it's so true! Glad you had fun. I love the pictures!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I remember when David and I came home from Grand Cayman for a quick visit and found out that Grant got engaged within the few months that we were gone. I didn't know you then, but I'm so glad I know you now. You are so perfect for Grant and he is so lucky he found you!

    I love the color of your hair. And I like Grant's shirt.

    The towels look great and I want to do the same thing. I love that olive lace. AND I adore those pumpkins in a few posts below. Is it orange velvet and are those real pumpkin stems? Is there a tutorial you followed? I think I love them so much because they remind me of a Cinderella pumpkin.

    I've been thinking about calling you, but have not gotten around to it. Now that we are both stay at home moms we should talk on the phone more. We need to catch up.

    Sorry this is a novel.

  4. Wow you guys are super cute! Happy Anniversary!

  5. cuties! happy 4 years!!!!

    p.s. what are link parties? i clicked on your links-holy cow-so much DIY inspiration!

  6. you guys are darling. congrats on 4 years. why do i keep noticing how amazing your eyebrows are? and also, I'm loving the red in your hair. we are soul sisters because I just got an overall red tone on my hair too.
