Monday, September 26, 2011

rompers really are my favorite

i wouldn't say the past few weeks have been very easy for me. i don't really know how to sum up all my feelings either. but life can be tricky for everyone. i've gotten in the habit of daily photo shoots with my trudy baby and they are soooo much fun. i really look forward to them. especially when she fits into something new. i am constantly going through her drawers and adding things from my hope chest (where i put all her clothes) that are bigger sizes.

she has been kind of frustrated lately... nothing really satisfying her urge to chomp on everything. any advice? because she is so young, most of the teething toys i find are too big for her mouth. we have baby orajel and the hyland's teething tablets but i feel like i shouldn't resort to those all the time. i was reading a "3 month old teething" forum the other day and one mom would get a wash rag wet with cold water and let her baby suck on that. i thought that was a great idea, i tried it and trudy looked at me like i was really dumb. she HATED the texture of a rag. anyway, not a big deal... i am just always looking for ideas to help her. she is drooling non stop and soaking everything she wears too. she is so cute though, she makes me smile so big every day.

oh and what are your favorite books to ready to your babies/kids?


  1. oh man, the second to last picture is my favorite! I wish I could help with the teething thing. Three/four months is so young!! She might like a piece of ice in one of those big mesh pacifier things. I wish I knew what they were called. You can put frozen berries in when she is older. She might hate the texture of that too. Good luck...she is so adorable and I can't wait to see her again.

  2. oh, and keep taking pictures every day. I took about a billion of the boys the other night, and sort of felt dumb cause I am drowning in pictures of them. My mom reminded me you can never have too many...and it's true. I look back at pictures I have taken over the years and spend hours just looking at them, studying them, and remembering exactly how those little faces looked months and years ago. You do kind of forget over time, just a little. I love the ones that show their personality and special expressions the best. I am sure you would keep up the pictures even without this silly, way to long commment...but you know I am obsessed with pictures :)

  3. Alex started teething at 3 1/2 months. She never took a pacifier but when she started teething I put a pacifier in the fridge and let it get cold and I would give her that to chew on. She did ok with that. Wasn't her fav.

    Books we love - going on a bear hunt, goodnight moon, are you my mother{all Dr. Suess books} llama llama red pajama. All I can think of at the moment!!

    Trudy is such a doll!! Love her rompers. Alex lived in those all summer!

  4. Man she is cute!! I just love seeing pictures of her! I love that outfit! It makes me smile every time I see it!

  5. FREAK she is cute! her shoes are to. die. for! i have no advice on the teething. dane got teeth at 3-4 months, and we just stuck with orajel and stuff to chew on. nothing you haven't already tried. sorry. but she is so dang cute! bah! i love her. i had something else to say, but i can't focus. i'm sure i'll be back.

  6. beautiful baby with impeccable style:) as far as the teething goes: sew a little "bean bag"-esque kind of thing and fill it with flax seeds and keep it in the freezer till she's ready to chew. clearly every baby is different, but it's worth a try! good luck to her...and you:)

  7. are you sure she is teething? perry does the same thing. she is constantly gnawing on her hand and drooling like crazy. i think it could just be her age. they start to discover their hands and want to put everything in their mouth. if her gums are swollen, red and you can feel a bulge then she is probably teething but she is soo young. possible but young.

    and i can't agree more about the rompers. that is most of what perry wears. i have found some awesome rompers at di. love them.

  8. Oh my, she is so sweet. I love that little outfit on her and her smiling face! Did you make that gold flower clip? Too darling that you are already accessorizing her. She's her mama's girl for sure!

    I am sorry that I don't have any advice for you in regards to teething. For some reason Oliver didn't get fussy when he teethed. But, I'm not here to brag because Hudson still wakes up every two hours to eat at night so you win some you lose some. :) Good luck!

    Favorite books: Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Gorilla. They are nice and short, so great goodnight books. I also love The Giving Tree and a personal childhood favorite of mine is Corduroy.

  9. Brittany, she is seriously so adorable! I love the romper and It just made my night to see her wearing the gold flower, too! ;) Teething is so hard, it starts so early for my kids and lasts forever. None of them liked traditional teethers but they found toys, binky clips or other things that they wanted to chew on. I love all the before mentioned books too! When my kids were babies they loved Pat the bunny. It's such a cute book, definitely check it out! It has different textures and fun stuff for babies. They also loved soft books because they could grab them!
