Tuesday, September 20, 2011

at three months trudy is: (hopefully i'll make it back to the bench for month 4)

totally teething. drooling everywhere. eats her hands and is never satisfied with them. talking lots. and really REALLy loud too. very efficient at eating. nuzzles her head in my neck when she's really tired. doesn't like when we put clothes over her head. likes her feet to be kissed. kinda has stinky feet. 


  1. So, So cute, I love her smile. Happy 3 months

  2. man, teething at three months? i thought it was early when rowan started at four. watch out for them while you are nursing... those babies are SHARP and it huuuuurrrrts!
    but how can you be mad when you look down and see those pretty little faces and sweet smiles ;) she's adorable.

  3. um, wow. that pic is to die for. So is her mouth. that sounds super creepy but they just look like doll lips.

  4. Her HAIR!!! I love it! I cannot wait to see her!!!

  5. She is ADORABLE!! My son had his first tooth pop through on his 4 month marker. I've heard of some babies being born with teeth...wouldn't that be so weird?

  6. Look at that smile! What a beauty! I'm sitting with Rocky on my lap RIGHT NOW and we were looking at her picture and he got a HUGE smile on his face and I said, "This is Trudy," and I kid you not, he said, "Cute baby!" No joke! It's perfect, they'll start dating in 16 years, and get married in 21, and we'll finally be officially related! Seriously though, she is ADORABLE!!

    Please don't tell me we missed your trip up to Utah! You're still coming up sometime soon riight?! I really want to see you! Love you!
