Monday, December 20, 2010

guess what!?


46 sweet thoughts:

kaysi van dyke fox said...

SHUTUP SHUTUP!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh, are you kidding me?!?! i need details how far along are you!!?! oh my goodness he or she will be GORGEOUS!!!! im so happy for you guys!! anyways, i am actually 24 weeks now! im due in so anxious for our little kruz to get here! :) i will for sure post some pics of baby clothes soon!!! i want to see yours too!! ;) CONGRATS!!!!!

Cydney Jensen said...

Yay! Congratulations! I can't wait to find out more info like when you are due!

Cheryl and Tyler said...

Yay!!! Congrats! Tyler and I are so excited for you. We should start a play group with all the new babies being born 2011!

Jess and Matt said...

YESSSSSSS! Except, I am already sad that I won't get to squeeze on that beautiful baby as much as I want to. So, I am totally in love with your idea of a slumber party....or slumber weekend, or week, or whatever. Oh, I just love you.

Nicole said...

NO WAY! I am SO excited for you guys!!!

chloƩ said...

you already know that this made my night :) but now that i can comment i just want to say again that i am sooo happy for you! i love you guys!!!

Ms. Green Eyes said...

congratulations! you will LOVE being a mommy. how are you feeling? details... details!

abby said...

hooray! congratulations!!

Rach Romney said...

Congrats!! We are so EXCITED for you guys!!!

jenny said...

Yay!!! Congrats girl. You will honestly be the cutest pregnant girl ever.

Heather said...

Congratulations! I am sure u r thrilled!! It is such an amazing experience! I have been waiting for u to announce this one here! I talked with ur mom (Dena is a really good friend of mine) so I got to meet her! We talked about soemthing (U can ask her) and I am soooooooo excited for u!

tiffany said...

awwww congrats! too exciting!

Tyler & Chelsea said...

So so so happy for you! When are you due? Congratulations! Ditto on Cheryl's post-there are going to be a lot of 2011 babies! ;-)

Brittany said...

How exciting!!! You two will make one beautiful baby!!

TiffT said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! Parenthood is one great adventure! :)

Romney Family said...

How fun!!! Congrats to you both!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! When are you due?!

David and Shalynna said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see this beautiful baby. Not sure if I feel like you are having a boy or girl, though. Do you have a feeling? We couldn't be happier for you too.

kelsey and murray said...

congrats beautiful girl! you will make one beautiful baby!! xoxo

Casey and Samantha said...

oh. my. gosh. Congrats! I can't wait for you guys! You are going to be the cutest pregnant girl EVER!!

Jaeme + Randy said...

Congratulations! You guys will have adorable children! How far along?

Elise said...

Yay!!! We actually just talked to your mom yesterday and she spilled the beans, we're so excited for you, i hope your feeling alright! Can't wait to find out what it is!!!

Megan Bleazard said...

Congrats! That is awesome :)

Kylee said...

Hip hip hooray! You will be the best little parents!

Nicky said...


Maddie said...

Congrats Brittany!!!! That's so exciting, you two will make absolutely beautiful babies :) so happy for you!!

Ashley said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! That's so exciting!!! Congrats you guys!!!

Sophia said...

YAY! I am SO EXCITED!!!!!! I so wish I lived by you!! Oh my gosh now I want all the details... how far along are you, how have you been feeling, when do you find out what gender you are having....bla bla bla I miss you and I am so thrilled for you and grant to have the cutest baby on the planet.

ALIX said...

AHHHH! I am soooo excited for you two! This is awesome news!!! YAY! you better keep updating your blog with cute pictures! :)

angela hardison said...

woooohoooo!!! congratulations! so excited/happy for you.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Okay. I saw this the other day and commented, but my comment is gone? I was FREAKING out when I saw this. Literally sitting at the computer screaming. I am SOOO excited! YAY! I have been thinking about you and texting Chloe about it. AM I so weird? Yes. AHHH, though! Yay! SO SO exciting! Can't wait to hear more details!!

beckie. said...

Brit! I am sooooo happy for you!! You are going to be an amazing mommy! and probs the most stinkin cute pregnant lady ever :)

niki said...

This is such great news! I couldn't be more elated for you. Congratulations! You're are going to be such an amazing mother. And I truly mean that. What a lucky little spirit. I'm so so happy.

Ps. I miss you too! I really do. I never heard back from you after my last email and hoped that all was well on your end.

Shalayne and Clayton said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. You guys will be such fun parents.

K. Bitton said...

So so so excited for you!! details soon please :)

Chelsea said...

Congrats!!! You guys are seriously going to have the cutest baby!

trudy...{and jamo} said...

cutest little belly ever! congrats :)

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

So so so excited for this!!!!!!!! Yahooooooooo!!! Can't wait to talk to you soon!

Kelly said...

ok, can I tell you something? I have thought to myself on three different occasions, "I bet Brittany is prego." I cant wait to hear the details and follow you through this journey. It is quite the adventure but there is absolutely nothing more rewarding than being a mommy. Life brings on a whole new meaning. Promise. I am sure you can already feel it changing both physically (doi) and emotionally (haha. good and bad). Your life will never be the same and it is now forever changed for the good. I am so SO happy for you two. Let the adventure begin!!

paige and jord said...

Brit!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all the details.... I hope you are feeling good. Congrats a million times over, I'm so happy for you! Xoxo

emily+brett said...

i'm so glad you finally posted about this!! i heard you've have been sick as a dog! SOOOO sorry! we are due super close together. you probably already know what you're having?!

anyway, you look adorable. and thanks again for your donation. you are amazing!

Reimstar said...

Love you, and that baby!

The Pack's said...

OH MY GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Super excited for you both! :) Good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...


{Layla} said...

congratulations!!! i too would give anything for a healthy baby. so i am very jealous! But happy day for you! can't wait to see pictures of the nursery, I'm sure it will be darling!

kerry and taylor said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!, we are so happy for you guys!!! we think of you guys all the time when were watching biggst loser!!!!

so exciting!!!!