Sunday, December 12, 2010

bloggers give back

if you haven't seen or heard of this awesome opportunity... please check it out! i think we all have room to give a little to a family that lost everything. "bloggers give back is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping support a family in need through handmade businesses and charitable bloggers." to read more... click here. and to see what i'm contributing... click here.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany... that is an awesome tip about the watch... i want one that is gold and if it scratches a lot, then I DON'T WANT IT! Also, my sister killed the ruffle jacket for me and told me it makes you look chubby when you wear it. bummer. my friend found a really cute ruffle jacket at ross but it was in colorado, so my chances of finding one here is slim. but i will be on the prowl. the hunter boots is what i want for sure. :) and i miss you!
