Saturday, November 20, 2010

here lies dobby, a free elf

we saw harry potter opening night. it was absolutely fabulous... i really really loved it. i think they did a great job. i don't really understand how people see the movies that don't read the books. how do they understand everything? i mean i see that they make the movie comprehendible for those that don't read but there is just soooo much behind everything! for example how can you fully understand what is going on in this one if you don't know the fullness of the horcruxes? we saw it with another couple who hasn't read the books and they did not even know who dobby's original owners were (malfoy's), so that whole part with dobby and bellatrix etc. just flew over their heads. i sound like a nerd but i just really love the harry potter series. and by the way this one was waaay better than the 6th movie. i still can't believe how much of the ending they left out in that :(.

p.s. kinda weird to anyone else that harry and voldemort are friends in real life?


  1. I totally loved it too! I think it made the snake inside the old lady part way scarier since I read the book. It was creepier in the book.
    I can't wait for the second part! YAY!

  2. I haven't seen it yet, but I am soo excited to! I LOVE that series. But it's funny, I totally agree with you that I wouldn't enjoy the movies near as much if I hadn't read the books. My sister hasn't read them but loves the movies and she won't listen to me that she's missing out!

  3. i LOVED this one and i LOVED the sixth one. i know, i don't know what's wrong with me. jamie said so many things were wrong with it but since i can't remember anything about a book a week after i've read it, i didn't know. and can we talk about emma watson's fabulous hair and how it makes me want to chop mine off again? (can we also talk about how weird that nakie scene with harry and hermione was? wha?)

  4. Oh I totally loved it! I'm such a Harry Potter fan (read all the books twice) but my husband hasn't read them and I had to explain a lot to him... I was happy with this one though, I thought that they stayed truest to the book...I hope it's that way for part II as well!

    Oh yeah and Harry Potter and Voldemort...friends in real life? Totally weird.

  5. I totally agree with you, people miss out on so much if they aren't reading the books! I have read the first 5 so many times I can't count and now I'm working my way back up to 7 again since I have only read that once. I love the books so much! And they really do an awesome job on the movies and especially this one.

  6. i need your help!! i'm trying to spread the word as fast i can. my aunt and uncle's home caught fire last weekend and they lost everything. even worse they have no insurance on their home so everything is a complete loss. they have nothing. my friend approched me and wanted to get the blogging community together and do something for a family in need. i immediately suggested my aunt and uncle. last night we got the ball rolling and started "bloggers give back project". we are having an online auction dec 15-16 by which we will raise and donate all proceeds to them. i am trying to find anyone who is wiling to help. i thought of you. we are looking for handmade business owners, etsy shops and photographers to donate their time and talents. our site is and our email is if you are willing we would love to have you donate a few flowers if you could. i know it's a lot to ask. please let me know if you can help. the gmail account is the best place to email me. thank you for hearing me out! hope you are doing well!!

  7. hey. i've got a question for i bought this pencil skirt. i usually wear it with heels and a ruffly shirt tucked in. i'm wondering how to dress it down? i tried just wearing flats and felt frumpy. i'm not sure what to do here. ha. i know you're not my fashion consultant, but maybe since we're bloggy friends? advice? i feel lame asking, buuutt...i feel lamer not knowing what to do. haha.

  8. I saw it with my husband who hasn't read the books. He had a LOT of questions afterwards. I kind of wish he did read the books, because you're right, there are just so many dimensions to everything!

    Kristine. Or Polly.
