Monday, August 2, 2010

july twenty seventh, nineteen eighty three

grant has been working about 4 hours away from where we live for about a month now. the area he's been in has been great for us as well as the company. the downside is that he leaves every monday morning and then i don't see him until saturday night. this last week i went down with him and stayed for the first half of the week before i had to come back and chaperone our stake youth conference. it worked out great since his birthday was tuesday. we made the decision to go down together very quickly which made planning his birthday a bit more difficult for me. kinda funny celebrating a birthday in a hotel room. plus the town we were in was a very small farm town with only a walmart, so i had limited resources. we planned to get him a new suit for his birthday this year and we will for sure get to that when we have more time. i got him a birthday present a few months back and i've been really excited to give it to him; a leather scripture cover. i bought it from this company, i really really love their stuff. all of their products look so much better in real life. i thought the idea of it and just the style fit my granty poo perfectly. and as it turns out... i know him well. can't wait to see him in a new suit holding his scriptures in his new case. 

july 27th is quite the special day. he proposed to me three years ago on that day (his birthday). and i'm so grateful he did. he has changed my life. it is just so awesome to me that i get to spend my life with not only someone who i'm incredibly crazy in love with, but having his example around me constantly makes me feel so lucky. he has a ba-jillion qualities that i love and want. i hope that i can be more like him every day. when i see pictures from the night he asked me (read the story here) i can't help but smile from ear to ear. cheesy? probably. but the thing is... it's true! i can still see his face looking up at me while he was down on one knee... "give me the best birthday present ever, make me the happiest man alive!"


  1. just read the! so beautiful!

  2. happy birthday to granty poo!
    and happy belated engagement anniversary!

    ok, so i have so many things that i need to talk to you about.

    but before i start writing a novel here, let me just say... LOVING THE SCRIPTURE COVER! and do i see vintage skinny ties in the picture? oooo. love love love it all.

    let's chat soon. SOON. cause i miss talking to you. i need a britt fix :)

  3. I love that scripture cover! What a great idea for a birthday gift. It looks so soft and I adore the color!

    Too bad David and I didn't text, call, or email Grant on his actual birthday. Grant has always been awesome about birthdays- usually always wishes David a Happy Birthday on the actual day. I am sooooo bad at birthdays. In fact, I forgot my brother's birthday a couple weeks ago and cried about it because I felt like the worst sister!

    Did you know you emailed me a link that doesn't work. Was that a mistake? :)

  4. I LOVE birthdays! and I seriously think I like other people's birthdays just as much as my own!

    You guys are so cute! So cool that he proposed on his birthday because that's what he really wanted! I love that!

  5. ahhhhhh, happy birthday granty!
    i am so glad he loves his scripture cover-it is so him.
    so, what did you decide to do for your etsy pics? whatever you do will be perfect!

  6. FREAK! Could you guys be any stinking cuter??

    Agree 110% about how cool it is to be married to your best friend. I always tell Michael that..I know that getting married is just what people do, but the idea of it is so cool. Whoever thought of it (I say that like I don't know) is genius! Marry and move in with your best friend for eternity? Yes, please!

  7. happy belated birthday to him.

    that scripture cover is so pretty, i sort of want one.

  8. Oh I love this scripture cover, nice choice. Preston has a leather/wood cover from Argentina and he loves it too. How funny to celebrate his birthday in a hotel room, makes for more of a memory though!
    So I actually started an etsy a few weeks ago, and I've learned a little in the small amount of time I've been on there. So are you planning on using pictures of you wearing an outfit with the flower for the first picture (the one the search engines pull up)? If I were you I would do the first picture of just the flower, and make sure to take it close up so people can see it well. I've spent quite a bit of time in the critique forums asking advice. And lots of people told me the first picture needed to be closer up so people could tell what it is since they've never seen it before - so I cropped them all. Anyway, my point is if you do that for the first picture, then it will all be unified and then you could use all different outfits for each item and it wouldn't matter because it wouldn't be on your front page. Goodluck!

  9. You guys are so adorable...I seriously love reading your blog, you seem like the perfect couple and it makes me so happy! Happy Birthday to your hubby!
