Saturday, August 7, 2010

"faster, fatter, bigger, cheaper"

been doing a lot of thinking lately. my friend trudy always brings my attention to the latest and greatest. she recently introduced me to "green smoothie girl" and let me borrow some audio files of her program called "12 steps to whole foods". thinking about taking the majority of your diet and changing almost everything seems a bit overwhelming. especially if you are a mom. however i really enjoyed listening to robyn, she does a great job putting everything into baby steps. and really it is much easier when you start small. i am still learning and not quite sure how extreme i want to be... however i do find myself thinking a lot about what i put in my body. even just her first step is worth doing (in my opinion), which is to drink her green smoothie daily. a quart of her smoothie gives you 6 servings of fruits/vegs (love that!!!). here is her article on why she loves green smoothies so much. i've gradually started changing things like buying a lot more greens (robyn says to make salads the main course of your meals and i love that idea), we've been using chia seeds for a while and buying kefir occasionally. i did just buy some all natural coconut oil and i'm excited to use that for all the different ways robyn suggests. on top of being influenced by her, grant and i also watched "food inc" last week (check out their site! at least watch the trailer). i loved every minute and watched it again the next day. i think we consider ourselves to be pretty middle of the road types and that is one reason why i enjoyed this movie. i felt that i could see different angles of things, i didn't feel we were being too bombarded with this view or that and i just took the information for what it was. while i think most people think the movie will just gross them out and make them want to become vegetarian (my dad)(still trying to get him to watch it :).... i actually think i learned more about our food industry and really just how corrupt it is. anyway i don't know if a lot of people have watched it, but i do recommend it and think it's great to educate ourselves a little more on what we eat and how it gets to us.


  1. thanks for sharing that! i've been more conscious about what i'm putting in my body these days. fruits and veggies are the best!

  2. this subject has been on my mind so much lately too. i actually love green smoothies... had one today! (my usual green smoothie is a bunch of kale, spinach, frozen mangos, almond milk and a little bit of fresh orange juice... yumm). i also just went to a naturopathic physician this week and she's having me cut out wheat for 3 weeks, which is in so many things. but i went grocery shopping today and i'm so excited about all the fruits+veggies+quinoa i'm going to eat this week :)

    i'm reading 'in defense of food' right now (i have yet to watch food, inc. but it's been on the list for awhile now). i get so frustrated with the nutritional world - and not knowing who or what to believe or what to actually care about. but i like to think i'm getting older and wiser, and will hopefully be able to take care of my body and my future family better. share any more insight you get, please!

    (okay sorry for the long comment - that was totally a novel.)

  3. i am so glad you liked it.
    i LOVED food inc.

    you owe me an email. i have been waiting....but i think i am going to send you a little one today.

  4. Britt!
    I watched Food Inc. a few months ago and I loved it too! It just opened my mind to so many different things and I definitely feel like I need/want to buy local and organic foods more often. I am in no way a vegetarian, HOWEVER, I do think it's important to incorporate more fruits and veggies into our diets! haha I am not keeping up with it as well as I should... this I know. BUT, I do love the ideas and I try so very hard to do my best! Love this post!

  5. where do you find kefir? I haven't been able to find it anywhere!

  6. oh by the way, i agree skinny bitch is an amazing book. i was vegetarian for about 2 years and felt great. when i started incorporating meats back into my diet it was horrible (i always felt sick with food poisoning type symptoms), i guess i started eating meat (occasionally) again because I have heard/ read that full vegetarian diets are hard during pregnancy--and the health of my future children isn't something i'd ever risk! I am sure if I was more of a nutritionist/dietitian I wouldn't worry so much but I am definitely no professional when it comes to food. Now my motto is just to eat meats and treats in moderation! =)

  7. I LOVE the green smoothie girl. I started making green smoothies everyday back in January and I seriously felt SO much better and had more energy...which is something I seriously struggle with. I sorta fell off the wagon, but this post reminded me to get back on :)

  8. I have been trying to eat healthier too just to feel better. Thanks for these great suggestions :)

  9. wow, those pictures are awesome, and what a CUTE outfit!

