Monday, June 7, 2010

why i love my husband #333


last year grant had the idea of making organic teething rings. we had so many friends having babies, we thought it was a perfect idea (however i'm wondering now if maybe he just wanted a good excuse to buy another tool). he found some wood at some random guy's woodshop and started right away. we had to figure something out because he was using all his tools in the kitchen. which i'm pretty sure is supposed to be the place where you make food. sawdust was not tasting good so he built his own woodbench and worked outside. after practicing some wood teething rings, he brought me his first little animal, the hippo made from walnut up top on the left. i fell in love! it was so beautiful. after cutting out the shape, he would spend lots of time sanding each down so that they were as smooth as can be. then he would apply an all natural beeswax and mineral mixture which seals everything in (which actually is a better option than plastic since no bacteria can get inside). it was hard for both of us to give them away. especially because we gave our favorites away (besides my walnut hippo up there). we gave them to some of our really good friends and know they will take care of them well :). aren't they cute? grant is so talented at everything. he is much more of a perfectionist than me. and sometimes when i think he is being way too picky (... halloween costumes), the end result is always worth his time. i really think he can do anything. whether it's to sell an alarm to anti alarm people, sight read piano music, teach someone how many bones are actually in the wrist, make a look alike anthropologie lamp or build me a bike, find the most amazing antiques or play one of the hardest sports and rock at it.... he is just amazing. 


  1. grant is the man! seriously, i don't think there is anything that he can't do! you guys are one of my most favorite couples ever! i love these teething rings. love them. almost as much as i love you! hope you are have a great day brittany! miss you!

  2. Those are amazing! I just showed my husband... maybe I can get him to make me some. If not I will have to try and buy some off you!

  3. Wow Britt. Wow. What do I say? Just in case anyone couldn't tell, she's a little biased. Britt, you are the perfect girl for me. Who else would let me set up a woodshop in their kitchen?!? That was a mess! I adore you. It is because you are so prefect that I can be me and do what I do.

  4. I freaking LOVE those teething rings! So gorgeous!

  5. Those teething rings are so friggin' adorable!!!! They make me want to have a baby. well they make me want to have a baby even more.

    You're so lucky to have such a creative and handy hubby!

  6. those are the cutest! i mean, really they look so cute, but the thought behind them and the fact that they are organic and better for babies than plastic is what really makes them cute. you guys will make such great parents. isn't it the best, feeling like your husband is good at everything? i love when a husband and wife make a great team and really compliment each other. and for the record, you guys seem to do that;)

  7. Um, those are freaking adorable! I love them and bet they are even more amazing in person. Grant is seriously talented at a billion things. sheesh.

  8. I remember when you showed me those last winter, I LOVE THEM. Let me know where I can get some, I love these as gifts for everybody! Hope you guys are doing great!

  9. Love them and Oliver loves his little elephant. Reading this post makes me really appreciate that you guys gave our baby one! I'm glad you kept the adorable hippo for your future baby. The color if so pretty!

  10. um... i sort of want one for my little guy coming. those are so neat! how original and adorable - i mean manly and crafty, grant! :)

  11. oh grant. this is just special. i always had a feeling you could make organic teething rings out of wood. i feel an etsy shop in the making???

  12. those are sooo sooo cute!! you guys should totally sell those on your etsy!! they are super cute & unique!! i would totally buy some!! i love the owl!! :) you guys are so inventive, i love it & great pictures!! :)

  13. Those are sooo cute! I love the owl! (It is an owl, right?) I am way impressed. Go Grant!

  14. Oh grant, and britt, we just love you two! I love the creativity... and your perfectism. Cause they really are perfect. I too am a BIG TIME perfectionist... and Preston is not and it drives me nuts sometimes. ha. These are beautiful. And I've actually been meaning to send you a pic of Cohen with his through text for a while now! I'll do it today. Anyway, he loves his snail. Sincerely, thank you. Thanks for the time you took on making it, and for giving a piece of your talent to us! Cohen loves it :)

    And Britt that's so funny we had such similar experiences on the cruise ha! Yes I tell Preston ALL the time to put sunscreen on... and he never seems to listen. And then he gets burnt bad and I get upset because I don't want him to get skin cancer. But at the same time I tell him it's his own fault and say "i told you so." ...kinda braty.. ha.

  15. Those rings are absolutely amazing! I absolutely love them. Your mom said how wonderful it was to visit you guys. And how awesome Sunday School was there. That is so wonderful.

  16. Oh my gosh... I remember you telling me about these and I LOOOOVE THEM! I want a baby just to have one! They are so amazing! I love the design and shapes! love love love. Seriously.
    Oh, and Zumba is great fun... if you do go, you may feel stupid because i do, but i think the point of the class is to just get you moving around and burning calories! I took it at 24 hour.. and I know they have classes at Golds too. Anyway... I miss you!

  17. Those are so cool! I would totally buy one from you too. Grant should start his own little business!

  18. A- I want to buy one of those, I thought that the were wonderful the first time I saw them. Grant is very talented and artistic.
    B- I'm pretty sure the comments you left on my blog made my day! Miss you! Hope you are loving your new town and finding LOTS of fabulous thrift stores and flea markets.

  19. hi!
    oh, they are SO CUTE! good work.
    i am in love with them.
    i can't even choose a favorite because i think they are all my favorite.

  20. these are stunning. you could make an amazing crib mobile from these! i love the beautiful ease of the lines. he is one talented guy!!

  21. Grant, you are so talented...I showed these to my sister and they want one! We miss you guys! Did you guys know that we are having another baby? We are due in October and we are having a little girl. We are going to come up to Utah this summer, so we will be sure to call you!

  22. Oh well that is just such a sweet post :) And we LOVE our elephant one! I think the thing that shocked me the most, besides the talent, skill and hard work it takes to make one, was how soft and smooth they are! We feel so lucky to have been given one, thank you!! It is always in my bag! I really miss you!

  23. oh my goodness. these are amazing. (and i want a baby even more now... thanks, haha). but really, he needs to make and sell these! i'd totally buy them and i know others who would too. please?
