Tuesday, June 22, 2010

goodbye is the saddest word

yesterday was the last day that i will see my brother blake for two years. he will be serving an lds mission in lima, peru. grant and i drove up to orem for an extremely short trip. way too short. i didn't get to see everyone that i wanted to and i definitely didn't get to spend as much time with blake as i wanted to. sometimes i really wish i could turn all of my four younger brothers into girls. that way i wouldn't have to send one off on a mission every time i turn around. blake is such a cutie. i just love love love him. he is so mature and smart and he just makes me so proud. his testimony is so beautiful. i love being around him. he is always so collected and composed. i love to hear his opinions and sometimes when listening to him... i can't believe that he is 19 years old. i will miss him so much. i hope that the next two years go by fast. i know he will do fabulous with people. he is such a little sweetie. 


  1. what a sweetie! he is going to do so good in Peru!
    the lace looks beautiful!
    i LOVE you!

  2. awwww, i cant even imagine what that feels like! that will be the saddest day when i have to do that too! :( i feel for you girl! i love that picture of you two!! you have such a beautiful family!

  3. I just wanted to tell you what an amazing person I think you are!! I have followed your blog for a while and you are incredible inspirational! I didn't get to know you very well when we were ambassadors and I sure missed out. I can see you have a great life and a great husband and are as cute as ever!!

  4. my little brother just got back from peru, lima east in october. my whole family went down to pick him up (minus rob and myself, i was 40 weeks pregnant at the time). he will love peru. and it does go by fast. promise.

  5. what a sweet post! My hubby, Jeff, served in Lima!! He loves Peruvians so much!! Your brother will surely enjoy Peru:)

  6. i really hate goodbyes. like really. i'm terrible at them. i'd rather avoid them. watching someone you leave for a mission is really a bitter sweet thing.

    ps. guess what i'm doing right now??? like right this very moment. i'm eating blue bell ice cream! ; they were on sale for a buck a pint. i may or may not have gotten more than one...okay, more than two ;)

  7. I can't believe Blake is leaving. I'm happy you were able to go home and see him and your family. And I agree goodbyes are SO SO hard. I don't like them, at all. I'm sure you'll miss him so much, but just as it did with Spencer, it will go fast :)
    So I loved the last comment you left on my blog. haha, preston and I were laughing at what you said about the jumping picture. So funny. And my seahorse tank- Old Navy. I love it too. And actually I was in there the other day and now they are all on sale for $4.99! So go check it out... there could be some left?
    p.s. i think you need to post more. I miss you. And feel like I'm missing out on your life right now.
