Thursday, June 21, 2012

she's one. wait what?

my family came down for trudy's birthday and made it even more fun. they all love her so much and it's so fun to watch them all interact with her. these days with all the pressure for a crazy out-of-this-world themed party from blogging or pinterest or whatever.... i started wondering what to do for her party awhile back. then i realized that i like to look at pictures of those pretty pretty parties and also admire all the creative mommies (and i do mean that sincerely) out there, but all of that just isn't me. at least not for her first birthday anyway. i was mainly just excited about watching her eat cake for her first time. i did like the idea of having a babushka/matryoshka/russian doll theme so that was my inspiration for her cake. i sort of struggled with it but i had fun. i loved using this chart to help me mix up the right colors with food coloring. we ate the babushka cake and then trudy had her own cupcake cake to destroy. she ended up being scared of it instead (totally not what i was expecting) but did eat some of it. we had her party at the park right by our house and the weather was almost perfect.... just a little windy. trudy loved her presents.

currently she loves to play with dolls, blocks, cups, pans, my makeup and most of all her food. she's been walking since right around her birthday and keeping me very busy. she is such a delight and light's up people's faces wherever we go. i will have to get a picture of her pigtails because i tried them out for the first time today and about died of cuteness overload. her spunky, sassy, stubborn but almost always happy personality is so fun. we just adore her.


  1. Happy Birthday Trudy! We love you oh so much. She is so adorable! Can't get enough of her.

    I love how the party turned out. It is so you. Perfect in every way. I bet if you put a picture of your table of presents on pinterest, moms would drool over it.

    I love you!

  2. love the cake! and I love that you didn't go overboard, but kept it real and very you.

  3. I loved the party! Just right without going overboard on it. The birthday girl enjoying it is what really matters anyway.

  4. She's one already?! Wow. That was fast. I love the simple (and yet so wonderful) theme you went with. I agree with what you said about the talented party planner moms out there, but I'll probably lean toward very simple for the first few parties as well. Great jobs on the cakes! They turned out great.
