Thursday, May 10, 2012

the gold and black feathers

a few months ago i was at an estate sale. i've had a new fascination for original art and i've really enjoyed collecting different pieces from all over. i went to this particular sale hoping to find a beautiful painting. i was worried i wouldn't find much since it was the second day of the sale. fortunately, i found a beautiful floral painting and bought it for half off. but i don't know even know why i'm talking about that when that isn't even what this post is about. while i was going through the rooms i noticed a big bookcase full of books. there was a complete encyclopedia set with a price tag next to it that read $50. the books were in great condition but i wasn't too into the idea. while walking away there was a smaller collection of books on the bottom shelf that caught my eye. it was a set of reader's digest books. the patterns on the front were adorable. i went to ask the woman in charge how much they were... hoping that they wouldn't be priced like the encyclopedia set. she looked at them and said... "five dollars?" i quickly replied, "sold!" and took them all home. i'm not positive but i think there is at least 22 books. 22 for $5?! i was so happy i asked. it never hurts to just ask. i wish i had a huge house with a million rooms, i'd easily use any of these books as an inspiration piece. the colors and patterns are so pretty. 


  1. What?! $5! That rocks!!

    They are super cute!

  2. i have a bunch of these too, including that one with black and gold feathers. so good, right?! all of those for $5 is a nice find for sure.

  3. Ok. A little jealous. Wow! Beautiful books.

  4. wow the prints are beautiful! great find!!
