Monday, April 16, 2012

the office/guest room

the office/guest room has been a blah room for me. when decorating, if there is a room or even nook in your home that you love... you continue to put all your favorite things there. at least that's how it is for me. i love the living room and dining room most of all. so naturally that is where all the good stuff goes. not that the other rooms are bad or something. is this even making sense? well anyway my point is that i've been ignoring this room. i should call it the brown room. there are a lot of fun little nick nacks and treasures in it but all the basic furniture is brown.

grant's parents gave us an antique desk and barrister bookcase when we were first married. we love them a lot but plan to at least paint the desk. i put some wrapping paper in the backs of the bookcase (not pictured) to give it some pizazz because we decided we didn't want to paint it. well grant decided that actually. and i'm fine with that. since this room also functions as a guest room, our sweet and awesome couch is a sofa bed. it's one of my favorite favorite finds. i will have to take a better picture of it. it's super retro looking. we bought it off craigslist about two years ago and scored pretty big with it. the owners told us that it had been sat on less than a dozen times and never slept on. they were trying to get rid of a lot of things and so we gave them $70 and drove away with this chair, two glass coffee tables (very hollywood regency and just perfect), the sofa bed and a box of old books. it was amazing. while a dining room chair, high chair and dresser are all on the project list before anything in this room.... i've been keeping my eyes out for solutions to cure my office issues. these pictures are from my instagram and i'm counting them as a "during" check in. since we've furnished the room, hung certificates and artwork, threw in an area rug and put some curtains up... it's definitely not in "before" stage.

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