Saturday, March 10, 2012

oh hey

it's been like a month or so since i last blogged. i don't know... i just kinda got outta the habit and then i could always think of something better to do. hopefully i can get caught up soon. i finally feel like i'm doing good with things around the house. every time i look in a room i can hear peter walsh on the nate berkus show intro... "three words- too. much. stuff". i think i'm kind of ocd? or at least border line. anyway it feels good to purge things we don't need. i think it's peter walsh that also says, "for everything you bring home to the house you should take something out". clearly i'm in the spring cleaning mood.

trudy oh trudy. she is nine months now and i can't believe it. all of these pictures are from before the new year when she was 5 and 6 months old. just too cute not too post. at 7 months she started crawling. ever since then i've constantly been watching her and picking her up. our house is so not child proofed. these tile floors cause a lot of stress in my life. poor girl has bruises all over her legs and even one on her head. she is crazy. she has two bottom teeth that are cute cute cute but sharp as *#$%**. and she likes to use them. she still loves momma's milk, formula, any of the baby food fruit flavors (even though we really try on those veggies and chicken dinners), and yogurt bites. she tries with the cheerios and gets them in her mouth but a lot of them end up popping back out. 

she loves strangers and still tries to get everyone's attention so that she can smile at them. and wave. she LOVES to wave at everyone. she recently started clapping and gets really excited when we say "yaaaaaaay!!!" while she claps.

5 months

6 months


  1. oh my gosh, I am rolling over her ring! that is too cute! She is such a cutie patooti! We miss you guys! I have been de-cluttering, too, and man it feels good. love you all!

  2. Trudy is such a doll! im loving all the sweet pictures of her, so darn cute! It's so fun to watch them grow, but sad they wont be little babies before long. Spring cleaning has been my friend and I totally de-cluttered my little girls closet, I've been wanting to tackle that for months! Great job!

  3. Oh my heck she is adorable! Her little ring is so cute, I love it!

  4. So adorable, Brittany! She just has the cutest expressions, I can only imagine how much fun she is in real life!

  5. I love every single picture! xoxo
