Thursday, February 2, 2012

"he's coming to the party?"

so behind and just trying to get through my to do list before i come back to blog land. 
just saw this and almost peed my pants. i can't stop watching it. 

p.s. having a blast on instagram... follow me! @brittbarnes04


  1. Oh my goodness she is so cute!! This was the funniest thing ever, and a great start to my morning! I couldnt stop smiling! haha. That is just awesome!

  2. That was hilarious! She was that overcome with cuteness?! haha.

  3. That was really funny!

    I wish I had an iPhone so I could use instagram. :( I'd love to follow you or whatever it is you guys do when you have cool phones to take photos with.

    Looking forward to more blog posts!

  4. um, i totally laughed and cried my whole way through that yesterday on ellen. hilarious! i will totally find you on instagram!

  5. Oh gosh I loved watching her on Ellen. This was so funny. I didn't know much about her... but now I think she is so cute! And I totally told Preston about it and want him to watch it... ya know since he had a thing for sloths.

    p.s. gorgeous mirror you found, and sconces too.

  6. i haven't deleted this episode of ellen from the DVR. i think she is my favorite person in the world now.

  7. I watched this so many times this week, I kept seeing it posted different places and I couldn't help but watch. It is hilarious! I think its really cute (and brave!) that she was willing to play that video on TV!
