Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the magic of paint

this is really nothing you haven't seen. i just wanted to jump on the bandwagon of the white ceramic trend. seems like every store is carrying something like this. i've said this before, as long as it's easy and cheap it's my kind of project! anyone can do this. here is my before an after... take that zgallerie.

click here to see where i've linked up.


  1. wow what a great idea! there are so many weirdly painted things at the thrift store, i think i might have to pick one up and try this! cool and easy project!


  2. I have been itching to do something similar. You found yourself an awesome owl though. So many of them tend to be those kitchy 70s ones.

  3. i have a rooster in my kitchen that i am so doing this to. did you use a flat white or a gloss. it looks flat. i'm thinking of doing a deep orangey red.

  4. @emily... it looks flat? i'm so confused. that's weird because the whole idea is to be glossy. i do not like flat at all and don't even remember the last time i bought flat paint! so ya that is as glossy as glossy can get.

    deep orangey red would be way cute.

  5. It's not only the magic of paint but the talent of who paints it! It looks amazing(:!

  6. Wow he looks so much better. Why is it that white make anything look excellent? Good job.

    Milla from
