Saturday, October 1, 2011

happy october!

we are pretty excited for halloween this year. we're ready to pull out the costume box and all the fall decor! this is such a fun time of year. time to wear boots and cardigans, burn yummy smelling fall candles, easy dinners (soup), hot chocolate ... snuggling in blankets is just way more satisfying etc. kinda wish i would have gotten a bit of a tan in the summer since it's getting cold and i didn't feel i could really take advantage of the sun. oh well i guess. anyone out there a fan of self tanners? if so which ones? also i've been doing a lot of cleaning lately, what did you do with your wedding dress? random i know.


  1. i totally know how you feel about not taking advantage of the sun this summer :) i've tried jergens lotion self tanner - it darkens your skin really gradually and looks natural. i also tried airbrush tanning once and i actually really like it. it only lasts about 2 weeks though and is a little more expensive... i hope you find something you like! let me know if you find anything you love :)

  2. so happy it's october!

    i'm in the same conundrum with not knowing what to do with my wedding dress. thinking i should probably just sell it...

  3. hi!
    best sunless tanner? Kiehls. uh-mazing.
    My wedding dress is in the dry cleaned box at my parents. i guess in 20 years or so i'll get it out and look at it...?
    i LOVE that you do daily photo shoots with Trudy. Man, you are a good photographer!
    Your Utah pictures are so cute.
    love and miss you guys!

  4. I love the Jergens skin illuminating lotion. It gives you a little bit of colour, but makes your skin have the perfect healthy glow. Its great, and smells good too!!

    Also, are you planning to get rid of your wedding dress? I am so in love with the veil and have been searching up and down for one similar. Keep me in mind if you decide to pass it on!!

