Saturday, September 10, 2011

all the other kids with the pumped up kicks...

Grant Posting:

So, Britt is out getting her hair cut right now, and I get to hang out with Trudy girl for a few hours. What a freakin' angel. I wanted to take a quick minute to say how awesome my girls are.

First, Britt hasn't gotten her hair cut/colored for over 7 months and hasn't complained at all. (and still looks gorgeous!) I can't wait to see what she looks like ...She may have mentioned something about red! 

Second, Trudy is over 3 months old and since we have gotten home from the hospital has not once had formula. Mom works so hard to make sure she is given (as she likes to call it) "the good stuff".

Lastly, aside from winning the "Most beautiful and smiley baby I have ever seen" award (from me) Trudy is freakin' strong. I am such a proud daddy and here's a video of her, right when we brought her home from the hospital, 4 days old mind you.


  1. grant. i love that you are still wearing your hospital band when trudy is 4 days old. it makes me laugh because when i was in the hospital, one of the first things brett asked was "when do i get my wrist band?". I was dying because he was so excited to be able to go about the hospital with his bracelet. haha.

  2. Lol, that is so amazing, Nellie's 7 months old and still doesn't roll over :)

  3. WOW!!!!! 4 days old, thats amazing!! she is way ahead of the game!!! go trudy!!! she is so precious!!
