Tuesday, August 2, 2011

paradisiacal- a place of ideal beauty or loveliness

i think i visit T.J. Maxx or Marshall's about once a week. it is for sure my favorite thing to do. i don't understand why people don't give these stores a chance, even if you do have to do some searching. i happen to love searching for treasures. shopping really is therapeutic, agree? so for anyone out there who doesn't see why they should shop at these fabulous off-price companies then this post is for you.

things you may not know...

people get a little confused about the merchandise that is sold at these kind of stores. here are the actual facts: you might see the same merchandise at T.J. Maxx and Macy's on the same day but with a SIGNIFICANT price difference. T.J. Maxx is an off-price buyer, which means that they benefit from ordering mistakes made by mainstream retailers. but not the mistakes that you are thinking of. usually it is because of over-production. so if a vendor has enough fabric to make 600,000 blouses but a department store only ordered 500,000, off-price buyers will purchase that extra 100,000 blouses. it doesn't necessarily mean that T.J. Maxx's inventory is from last season either. they actually promise that at least 85 percent of it is in the season. also, T.J. Maxx (whose parent company owns Marshalls and Home Goods) is the largest off-price retailer in the U.S. and competes closely with Ross and Big Lots. AND the buyers for T.J. Maxx only look for merchandise that can sell for up to 60 percent less than what the department stores sell it for. if that doesn't make you wanna jump up and go shop... i don't know what would! here are just some of my latest finds.

Latte Bowls: 4 for $4.99
they look identical to the famous anthropologie ones right? except at anthro you get 6 for $30.
so that is $5 each. compared to my just-over-a-dollar bowls? helllooooooooooooooooo?

Sugared Citrus Hand Wash
i think this was $4.99. i'd never seen it before, all i know is that it smells like orange sherbet
and must have come straight from heaven. actually grant told me that he doesn't like it because it makes him hungry. 
DDF Sulfur Therapeutic Mask $16.99
i almost peed my pants when i saw this. (really i almost did, i had to go so bad and i HATE having to go when i shop). reasons why i put it in my cart immediately: i'd already been planning on buying this at sephora. during my pregnancy i started SERIOUSLY researching beauty products, from skincare to makeup to body lotion. the reviews i've read on this mask are great, you can read them here if you are interested. the normal retail price for this baby is a whopping $38! so to find it for less than half the price? plus i heard that sephora will not be selling DDF anymore. score!

Set of 5 cute headbands: $2.99
i'm not really a headband wearer but these had me kinda re-thinking that.

Pride & Prejudice Penguin Classic Hardcover $12.99
to buy this book anywhere else you'll be paying $20. it's so pretty in real life.
it's like the perfect mustard color.


i also just found a ralph lauren dress and a marc by marc jacobs swimsuit.
both were less than half of the original price. does anyone else have some good finds?
hope i inspired someone to go treasure hunting... good luck!


  1. ok, i loved this post.

    i shop at these stores occasionally but usually don't get super excited because when i bargain shop, i want major bargain prices. i'm talkin like never over $10. but when you talk about it the way you just did it makes me rethink things. you're getting quality stuff for a considerably good price. and one thing i've learned over the last year or so, is that quality almost always trumps all. so yes, brittany, my friend, you've inspired me. as you always do. ha, you could sell me on almost anything;)

    ps. i'm such a punk for not responding to your email yet, which by the way, had the cutest font, but i'm so glad you loved the gift. i loved the pic of miss trudy. she is a doll and that bracelet looked perfect on her. can't wait til the tunic fits. i better get lots of pics of her in it!!;)


  2. i don't think you'll find a bigger fan of tj than me! the one in sugar house is the absolute best in utah...the st george one comes close. home goods is also a favorite. i remember a comment of yours a while back about my mom's sun room/add-on and most of the accessories were from home goods!

    i'm dying to see more pictures of little trudles (fav nick name of yours)! you have only posted a few and i still can't really tell who she looks like:) and i wanted to ask your take on bows/flower headbands. i go back and forth weather i'm into them or not. i have several i've made and most of the ones i like are really petite felt bows glued on. what do you put on trudy? if anything....

  3. Ok yes helllooooooo! Tj maxx is where our love affair began!! I would give anything to go back to orlando just so we could do our weekly/daily tj maxx trips. I will never understand why everyone doesn't shop there?! Last month I got 4 shirts, a dress, a skirt, and the cutest pair of heels all for under $90. You just can't beat it! Plus I think getting a good deal makes the item all the cuter! ok love ya

  4. it's been a while since i've been in tjmaxx but of course this post is making me want to go. i love good deals.

  5. Oh girl, I LOVE t.j. maxx. I have grown up with it as my mother is quite the bargain shopper for quality goods. I always used to be so annoyed that she wouldn't buy me that shirt at nordstroms... because i wanted her to. haha I was a brat. But i haven't been there in quite some time and you have totally inspired me to go back!
    P.S. Got your thank you card! :)

  6. ugh i have the bowls and I LOVE them...but I paid the 6 for $30. shame. good for you little mrs thrifty!
