Thursday, July 14, 2011

trudy & friends

i thought i should post up some pictures from all the family that came and stayed with us. trudy bear has quite the fan club. she really knows how to make everyone smile too. she already looks so different from these pictures:( i don't want her to grow anymore!


  1. don't you love the way your little girl can light up so many faces. there is something about seeing family meet her for the first time.

    and her little dress you made is to die for. love the little details that you paid special attention to. she is a doll.

  2. Man that girl is cute!! And she is so tiny!! I want to hold her right now!!

  3. okaayyyy, i am way behind on commenting...
    1. LOVE Trudy's 1 month pics, your room looks amazing. Trudy is so cute.
    2. the dress you made? um, soooo cute. hello.
    3. 4th of july? you look hot. hot momma.
    4. how awesome that your families could come visit.

    I loved chatting, thank you. guess what? my babies r us coupon came! yay.

  4. brit she is PRECIOUS!!! i know how you feel about them growing up, i look at rowans newborn pics all the time and it makes me sad ;( but thats so great that your family got to come. love love love that little girl!

  5. Awe the pictures with the grandmas and grandpas, made me teary eyed! She really is beautiful! I want to kiss her all over! The other day I told Rocky that he was so cute I wanted to eat him, he said, "No don't." Thats how I feel about Trudy girl. I could just EAT her! But I won't :) Oh and I love, love LOVE the dress you made! And I love her nursery and your bedroom. I just love everything! And I love you!
