Wednesday, July 6, 2011

at one month trudy is:

losing her hair and looking like a little old man, holding her head up like a champ, rolling over almost every time we put her on her tummy, keeping me really busy in the laundry room, eating more and more every day, starting to follow us with her eyes, 
smiling when she falls asleep


  1. your bedroom is AWESOME! i love it.

    trudy is a doll.

  2. Where did you get that bench??? I'm in love.

  3. This is the cutest thing I've ever read. I can't wait to see that little girl. I feel like she is going to be full grown by the time you all get here.

    PS Your room is looking great!

    PPS I love you!

  4. Oh I love the milestones. So sweet.

    My goodness look at that room! Love the mix of colors. It looks so beautiful. I'm so happy for you to be in a home you love that you can really leave your mark on!

  5. yayyyy for updates!!! ahh, ive missed you on my google reader!! haha. trudy is so beautiful!!! i cant believe how much she looks like you!! she is going to be a heartbreaker for sure!! :) & i am in love with your room!!! you are so creative i love the gold stripe you put on your bed!! we had the exact same bed, but had to sell it because it didnt fit our room!! so this post makes me kind of sad we did because i would have secretly copied you!! haha. oh & kruz's shoes are from old navy!! they suprisingly have great stuff!! you need to check it out for truds!! :)

  6. I can't believe that she is rolling over already!!! Isn't it funny when they try to hold their heads up and their bodies are so small? This is cute that you are keeping track of her baby accomplishments.

    I'm loving this room. That's not the bedroom set you had in Orem, right? I love how symmetrical everything is with the two mirrors. Is that a blanket, bedspread, duvet cover? I love it- especially the color. And I love that ottoman or whatever you would call it. That color is wonderful. What fun photos of your sweet baby and more of your beautiful house!

  7. these photos are so great! love the colors. that room looks pretty amazing. she is so tiny and cute! rolling over already?!

  8. it's great that you wrote down her milestones cause you'll love looking back at what she accomplished and how far she has come since what you wrote here! Trudy is so sweet and really a beautiful baby! It's hard for me to tell who she looks more like.. i think she might be a combo of you both!

  9. I know this post is about Trudy, and she is adorable, but I have to say your bedroom is awesome!

  10. can you take a picture of every room in your house and please include Trudy in every room. That would be perfect!

    Happy 1 month!!!
