Monday, June 13, 2011


not really ready to sit down and think about all the events that lead to the arrival of our little miss trudy. it was quite the adventure and i don't even know what happened anyway. i do plan to write the birth story soon, but for now all i know is that we've never been happier and can't get enough of trudy emerson. and that her silly faces make my little brothers laugh really hard. she is very active and impressing everyone with her muscles, particularly her back and neck muscles... she rolled over on her 3rd day?!?


  1. ahhh! she is soooo cute! I think she looks like both of you! i can't wait to hear more about her! i hope you are doing great britt! i miss you guys!

  2. Adorable!!! I love her, Brittany. She is such a little sweet heart.

    Can't wait to hear details about the birth. Hope you are getting enough sleep. :)

  3. She is darling. And of course any daughter of Grant's would be on the move early in life.

  4. cuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeee! i LOVE seeing pictures of her. She is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. i can't say that enough.

    You might have a surprise arrive at your house tomorrow from auntie Trudy...?


  5. I have been so behind lately. I had no idea she was even here! So cute! Congrats! There's really nothing as precious as a tiny newborn. Soak it up. It goes too fast.

    I love her little blue dress. She's simple adorable!

  6. Awwwwwh! My heart is about to jump out of my chest!!! She is soo sweet, darling, adorable, kissable, precious and everything else! I want to eat her up! What a sweetie pie. I'm so happy she's here! Happy for you! love you!

  7. She is sooo perfect and her name is adorable! Congrats you guys!!


    trudles!? adorable. i want to spread her on a cracker and eat her. she is so darling. i can't even handle it, britt!

    ah. love you, mama!

    p.s i owe you an email. ;)

  9. Yay!! Loves! she looks so much like Grant! Hope your feeling ok. Isnt it such a crazy roller-coaster? It just gets better everyday.

  10. So adorable! What a wonderful new adventure :)

  11. she is so dang cute! ya done good britt :) i hope you are feeling good and i can't wait to read the birth story!

  12. love her little expressions... and the clothes! :)

  13. awww she is bee-u-tiful! i've commented before on this, too, but i adore her name. good job!

  14. i love that little vintage baby! she is too precious.

    hope you are adjusting well.

  15. Awwww what a sweetie pie. Her little dresses are adorable. So I can't decide who she looks like??? My first thoughts were you, her eyes and nose. But then Preston said he thinks she looks a lot like grant. So I looked at her again, and I can see grant in her too I think. Anyway, she's such a cutie and I just want to squeeze her!
    Hope you guys are doing okay, it's a big adjustment. love you lots.

  16. you seriously find the cutest things!! i love all of these dresses, youre making me want a girl!!! that blue dress is to die for!!!
