Wednesday, September 15, 2010

come sooner november!


  1. WE CAN'T WAIT EITHER!!! Yahoo for Harry Potter!
    p.s. your pictures at the ranch at so pretty, sounds like fun :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Agree!!! I just finished reading the 7th book again and I can't wait!! Gotta love Harry Potter!

  4. EEEeeeekkkkk!

    I couldn't agree more!

    I have been the biggest Harry Potter freak since 7th or 8th grade and refused to ever watch the movies because I didn't want to be angry about all the parts edited out. So it wasn't until last year that I finally watched all the movies and I am so obsessed. Actually, I just watched movie 6 a few weeks ago. The Deathly Hallows trailer is unbelievable.

  5. Also I have to mention... isn't the soundtrack on the trailer so awesome. It makes me want to be running through a forest with my wand in hand.

    xoxo Harry Potter 4Life

    keighley from the Bella Life
